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Sunday, December 03, 2017

Mom defends herself for breastfeeding at Disneyland

ANAHEIM, Calif. - A California mom took to Facebook to defend herself after she says she was shamed while breast feeding her child as she stood in line at Disneyland.

The photo was posted to the "Breastfeeding Mama Talk" Facebook group and so far more than 8,000 people have reacted to the photo.

The mother, Brittani Medina, claims she didn't want to get out of line, so she removed one of her shirts and began to feed her child. That's when she says a few bystanders criticized her.

California law as well as Arizona both protect breastfeeding in public and, specifically in Arizona, also protects from any indecent exposure violations.



  1. I breastfed my children. And you never once saw my boobs in public. She has no class.

  2. While not obscene I do find this quite tacky (or perhaps low brow?) but this kid looks way too old to be breast feeding anymore. Maybe it's just the angle of the photo.

  3. Some people are just disgusting trash and she is one of them. Time to cut off her government benefits and send her back to her home country.

  4. Damn, that kids big enough to go buy his own milk!
    were the people upset with:
    A. Kid too old
    B. Mom too ugly
    C. Breastfeeding in public
    D. All of the above

    1. D. Plus she looks like she stinks. Nasty looking and no discretion.

  5. Looking at her, I have no doubt that she did this with the utmost discretion whilst exhibiting style and dignity.

  6. 3:44 PM yes since she removed another shirt she could have covered herself up and had some respect for those around her

  7. You people are the revolting ones.

  8. Even if the child wasnt breastfeeding, she looks indecent and exposed

  9. What a disgusting pig

  10. Breasts will yield milk for as long as the demand exists. Not unlike cows, who don't jump the line just because a half grown calf is suckling.

  11. I am a male and that right there is nasty. I was sitting across from my sister-in-law in the living room one time, she was breast feeding and I didn't even notice it four feet away. There is nothing wrong with breast feeding if done in a discrete manner.

  12. I'm a female. The last dam thing I want to see in public is a women breast feeding her child. I think that's disgusting. I really feel that breast feeding is an sacred event that takes place between a mother and her child. But, this give me give me spoiled rotten to the core generation don't have morals. This country is going to hell.

  13. Matt Lauer never hit on her.

  14. She looks like she might live in a trailer park, where rules of decency don't exist.

  15. Looks like enough for all the kids in line.....

    1. 10:48 bahahahaha. You win the comment if the day 😂🤣

  16. I personally probably would have stepped out of the line to breastfeed. I don't disagree with the mother's right to feed her child. And if I was in the line with her and the child started screaming like a banshee I would not have had a problem with it. By all means, feed that child.

  17. When you're still breast feeding a three to four year old, you're just a pervert. There is no defense for a perverted act in public.

  18. What's that kid (not baby) drinking in a day. Like a gallon? The woman needs to buy some milk with her EBT card.

  19. I'm in udder disbelief.


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