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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Martin O'Malley on the future of Democratic Party


  1. Democrats have no understanding of the word illegal when it fits their narrative,Martin you all will lose in 2018.

  2. I never bothered to listen to what O'Malley had to say before writing this.

    He is simply a waste of time

  3. Notice how he never answers Tucker's question, just pushes his own agenda. He tries to make it SOUND like he's answering, but never does.

  4. I agree 8:09
    He needs to just go away with hildabeast and just never ever hear from these two ever again

  5. There is a whole new crop of these idiots, and many of them are planted right here in Maryland. It's more important than ever to keep them out of the legislature and state house. Vote Republican 2018.

  6. He ruined the state of Maryland and just taxed, taxed, taxed and he is a piece of crap He will NEVER stand a chance of winning anything again. He is clueless and should keep his mouth shut. My mom always said "it is better to keep your mouth shut and thought a fool, than to open it and leave no doubt!"

  7. He also ruined the oyster industry by closing 70% of the best bottom. While Va enjoys another banner year , Maryland struggles.No wonder he only had one attendee at his democratic primary in Iowa and after talking one on one with that man for over an hour he wasn't convinced to vote for Omalley.I have met this man and sat next to him in Annapolis and he is a liar!

  8. He is the poster child for all narcissistic idiots in the world.


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