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Thursday, December 21, 2017

Jordan: ‘Everything Points’ to ‘an Orchestrated Plan’ Within DOJ, FBI to Prevent Trump from Becoming President

Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s Fox & Friends, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) said he believed people in the FBI and the Justice Department were involved in “an orchestrated plan” to keep President Donald Trump from becoming president.

Jordan said:

I think they were putting together a plan to stop Donald Trump from being the next president of the United States. I think it’s amazing in spite of the fact that the Democrats were against him, the Republican establishment was against him, the mainstream press was against him. and now I believe the FBI and the Justice Department were against him, the American people still said that’s the guy we want to be the next president.

“But everything points to — from what we learned several weeks ago that they paid to the dossier to the fact that I believe that fake dossier was used as the basis to get Warren to now what we learn about Peter Strzok and Bruce Ohr and the FBI and the Justice Department, respectively,” he said, continuing, “Everything points to the fact that there was an orchestrated plan to try to prevent Donald Trump from becoming the President of the United States.”

More details..

1 comment:

  1. As each lie the Obama administration every told us is exposed we see the reason why the lefties are loosing their minds. They never thought that they would be exposed. Hillary would have buried all their devious secrets.


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