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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

'It's Noticeable': Ravens President Tells Fans Anthem Protests Hurt Attendance

The president of the Baltimore Ravens told fans and sponsors in a letter that its game attendance during the 2017 season has been hurt by players' national anthem protests.

Team President Dick Cass made the announcement this week, the Wall Street Journal reported.

On "Fox & Friends," Pete Hegseth said the Ravens' attendance at M&T Bank Stadium declined this year despite the fact the team is second in their division behind the Pittsburgh Steelers.

He also said that the protest by about a dozen players at the Ravens' September game in London could be chiefly to blame.



  1. Tough s••t, you let them, you pay.

  2. It has gone well beyond the Anthem now. I refuse to ever watch these uneducated cry baby huligan thugs again regardless if they stand, sit or kneel.. As much as I enjoyed football, I have completely lost interest, not the game, but the players of NFL. And it appears many others feel the same.

  3. This is what happens when tou disrespect America. May the protest grou even bigger.

  4. let's face it, if it wasn't for the nfl most of these players would be in jail, ray lewis is a pos! baltimore city is fortunate to have such thugs represent their opiod addicted murdering population! will never set a foot or spend a dollar in that sewer again as long as I live!

  5. Agree with all of this. I used to watch as many games as I could. I have watched one full game this year. I am pleased to see the dirty birds suffer attendance problems.

  6. Actions have consequences jerk. You allowed your employees to insult vets and disgrace your fan base. Now you whine like some entitled snowflake. Just another reason I will not return.

  7. Haven't watched all season and haven't missed it.

  8. I was at the game in London. Our group didn't know until after the game that they had taken a knee. We were standing with our hands on our hearts admiring the huge flag that was displayed. After our anthem God Save The Queen played and the singing from the Brits resounded in the stadium. It was beautiful and made me proud for the British football fans. When we found out after the game that the ravens knelt it made me want to vomit. They stole the joy of the game from me and I don't know if I can ever regain it. Haven't watched a game since.

  9. The National Felon League sucks

  10. Use to scream and jump up and down and cheer..haven't watched all year...they have made me angry and I don't miss the games or buy merchandise either.


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