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Thursday, December 21, 2017

Hypocrat of the Day

Majority Forward, a Democratic non-profit group with ties to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.), is launching digital ads for Sen. Claire McCaskill (D., Mo.) after she told Missourians to ignore "dark money" groups.

The statewide campaign, backed by a six-figure ad buy, will highlight the 50 town halls that McCaskill held across Missouri in 2017, Politico reported Wednesday.

The ads, which will run on Facebook and other platforms, will include a graphic of the locations of McCaskill's town halls and a quote from the Democratic senator: "Whether they agree with me or not, every Missourian is my boss."

The newly launched campaign comes after McCaskill, who is up for re-election in 2018, warned voters in April to disregard ads from "dark money" sources.

More here


  1. Soros's groups threatens any Democrat who doesn't back Communist policies.

  2. "Whether they agree with me or not, every Missourian is my boss."

    There's the Big Lie that proves she's a democrat! Stand by for more...


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