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Thursday, December 21, 2017

Hell freezes over: Media start admitting that Trump's first year isn't a flop

I have sensed for weeks now that some in the media were on the verge of rolling out a contrary take on President Trump’s first year in office.

And in the wake of yesterday’s final passage of massive tax cuts, that moment has arrived.

The dominant media narrative, of course, is that Trump hasn’t gotten much done, that he’s in over his head, that he doesn’t understand government, that he keeps picking petty fights rather than winning big battles.

But the thing about the pundits is that they get tired of pushing the same line, week after week, month after month. Some inevitably want to seize credit for a new insight, for getting ahead of the pack with a burst of contrarian wisdom.

And that hot take is, hey, maybe Trump has gotten some important things done after all.

It’s true that the president had not gotten much from the Republican Congress this year. But a new law that cuts taxes for businesses and individuals—even though the measure polls poorly and is not mainly aimed at the middle class—puts an end to the verdict that Trump doesn’t know how to work the Hill. Like it or not, this is a sprawling piece of legislation that was quickly pushed through the House and Senate in a show of party-line muscle.



  1. Best President EVER people.Get over it.

    1. Not even close. I can’t be bought for a stupid red hat and an idiotic slogan.
      Get over that!

    2. Enjoy your tax cut!

  2. It's shouldn't surprise me when people lie to congress but the commander of the FBI did NOT REMEMBER the information verifying the trump hit piece I almost passed out. I'm a life long DEMOCRAT and I honestly thought now the intelligence department heads would be testifying and laying all the dirt out in regards to Russia. I don't recal, can't show congress, it's classified, I forgot, I don't know is the ONLY thing coming out of their lying CAKE HOLES. I'm DONE with DEMOCRATS LIES.

  3. Legislation takes time. Before Obama came to office it took years to properly vet a new bill. I understand the Republicans should have their plans ready to go after being suppressed for eight years but I also don't mind waiting for the right plan.


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