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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

He Predicted Trump Would Be President 6 Years Ago; Here's Why This Prophet Says Trump Is in for Two


  1. I hope he is right. Heard of others like Rick Wiles who said the same. Good thing he documented it, because like others, it could be a bunch of Bull to sell a book.

  2. Im behind Trump, keep this MAGA train going!

  3. I truly like him but at his age,
    4 yrs is enough for Trump.

    Hopefully our V.President , who's
    a good guy too, will run and keep
    things Trump has changed " in line!"

  4. God wants everyone to prosper but by their own will not the govt. When you think about all the odds against this man there has to be a higher reason all this is happening. My faith in America is restored.


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