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Friday, December 08, 2017

Hatred: John Lewis May Skip Civil Rights Museum Opening

Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., said he might not attend the opening of a civil rights museum this weekend because President Donald Trump will be there.

Lewis spoke with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution about Saturday's opening of the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum in Jackson.

"It's going to be very difficult for me to be there and be on the same platform with him," said Lewis, who is scheduled to speak at the ceremony.

"I think his presence would make a mockery of everything that people tried to do to redeem the soul of America and to make this country better."

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  1. Stay home John Lewis! Things will be just fine without you there.
    Such childish actions.

  2. Agree. Grow up. Respect your President.

  3. Once again shows his total lack of judgement and good sense.

  4. Good for he's a total racis anyway

  5. Another elected racist invested in victimhood.


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