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Monday, December 11, 2017

Handwriting Expert Touted by Washington Post Turns on Gloria Allred

A handwriting expert prominently cited by the Washington Post on the matter of the yearbook presented as evidence by Roy Moore accuser Beverly Young Nelson raised new questions today in a Breitbart News interview about the inscription and signature at the center of national controversy.

Specifically, the expert raised doubts about whether the initials “DA” at the end of Moore’s alleged signature evidenced stylistic differences when compared to the rest of the writing in the yearbook.

The forensic document examiner, Mark Songer, a former FBI agent, also called for Nelson’s attorney, activist Gloria Allred, to release the original yearbook “to all parties for examination. I think it is only fair. It shouldn’t be hidden or anything like that in my opinion.”

Songer revealed that he “didn’t spend a whole lot of time” on his original examination of the publicly available yearbook inscription image, which was presented at a press conference by Allred, before he provided quotes on the matter to the Washington Post.

He stated that it was only about an hour, or possibly less, from the time he was originally contacted by the Post by email until he gave the newspaper his opinion. That window also included the period of time that he spent looking at the online image.

“It wasn’t an analysis,” Songer stressed. “It was just my observations of whether or not the writings look like they were prepared by one person or multiple people.”


1 comment:

  1. The accuser was caught. Why? Moore wasn't the DA at the alleged time of the incident. He was the deputy DA. Moore addressed that inaccuracy, and then the accuser came out and admitted to "Adding" to the inscription. Something she forgot, purposefully or not, for nearly a month after her initial accusation.


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