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Friday, December 08, 2017

Good Woman with a Gun Shoots Man Allegedly Assaulting Officer

On Tuesday an unidentified good woman with a gun saw a law enforcement officer being attacked and shot his alleged attacker with her handgun.

The incident occurred outside a Chevron in Dawson County, Georgia.

According to Fox 5, Sgt. Randy Harkness gave a homeless man a courtesy ride to the Chevron and was giving him some money when the man allegedly began assaulting the officer. A woman sitting in a car noticed the assault, grabbed her gun and stepped in to help the officer.

The Chevron owner said the woman “shot off a round. The guy got off the police officer and she shot another round and he was running that way I think, there was three shots,”



  1. You'll never see this report in lame stream media. They don't want the sheeple thinking that guns can be used to prevent evil.

  2. What??? This can't be true because that one Ag or whom ever wrote an article to the president saying having a national conceal carry will hurt people and cause more harm and killings than any good it will do, hmmm I wonder what would have happend to this officer if she did have said gun... I mean after all people will conceal carry are a harm to cops right???? Based on what he said right???

  3. Replies
    1. Are you suggesting she was only identifying as a woman?

  4. we need more people like that woman she is a hero excellent job.

  5. Did he then demand to see her permit, ID, training doc's and take her fingerprints? Arrest her, too?
    Or just get up from a possible ace-whipping and THANK her for packing heat?
    She was just another person in traffic obeying the law. And armed.
    As it should be.....
    Keep cheering.


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