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Friday, December 08, 2017

Flu Vaccine May Be Only 10 Percent Effective

There's bad news about this year's flu vaccine.

The most common type of flu being seen in the United States is influenza A H3N2, the same severe strain that dominated last flu season.

And in Australia, where the winter flu season has just wrapped up, this season's vaccine was only about 10 percent effective against the H3N2 strain.

"Our vaccine is the same as the one used in Australia," said Lynnette Brammer, an epidemiologist in the influenza division of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "The vaccine doesn't work as well for H3N2 viruses in general."



  1. Just like WBOC's forecasts. It has a 10% chance of being right.

  2. BUT you MUST get it if you want to keep your JOB?????

    There ought to be a law against that!

  3. I got really sick 3 weeks after the shot. And have since I've been getting it for the past 4 years. I was RARELY ill prior to that.

  4. I've not heard of anything like 8:47
    said being inforced. That's terrible!
    Were do you work?----Health Dept.
    might be a guess but would like to
    know what employer made it mandatory
    you take it or lose your job.


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