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Friday, December 08, 2017

Do You Think He REALLY Plans to Leave?

"I know in my heart that I have done nothing - nothing - that has brought dishonor to this institution. Nevertheless, I am announcing that in the coming weeks I am resigning from the Senate."

"I am proud that during my time in the Senate I have used my power to be a champion to women. I know who I really am. I know that there has been a very different picture of me painted over the last few weeks."

--Al Franken on the Senate floor on Thursday, December 7th.



  1. The coming weeks in which year? This year? 2018? 2025? There are a LOT of coming weeks and I don't trust this turd at all!

  2. No. He's stalling. If the people back off in the slightest he won't leave.

  3. It's interesting to witness the political chess game between congressional leaders: you take my pawn, I'll take your rook, etc. We'll give you Franken; we'll give you Franks. And, in the end, it's all about making the other party look bad. Anyone who can't see what's going on, especially with the Pelosi flip-flop on Conyers, is a fool.
    It's not about good conscience, but all about how congressional horn-dogs are making leadership look bad. Pelosi and Schumer changed their tune faster than Maryland weather!
    In the end, this is all about Moore and the fight for that precious senate seat. The dems are trying to flip that seat and are willing to sacrifice Conyers, Franken etc, to make that red seat turn blue.
    Along the way, they will try to show the electorate that they are the "higher moral" party. We all know that's bovine excrement.

  4. He's not planning on going anytime soon

  5. NO, he is a politician and as such lies... They are power hungry so no, anyone who thinks this fool will leave is plain stupid!!!!

  6. No, he is stalling. He was asked by his party to resign and he needs to step down now.

  7. If he was planning on stepping down then he would have done it already like Conyers did.

  8. Just another establishment scum. In this case, an enemy of America, a Democrat.

  9. Anyone remember him on SNL?
    "Vote for me, Al Franken."

  10. Rest assurred ... if a lib/dem like Frunken says something ... its a lie


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