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Friday, December 01, 2017

Disney Debuts 'First Boy Princess' in 'Star vs. the Forces of Evil'

I’m sorry, but what the heck has happened to cartoons? Not only are they hideously ugly to look at and filled with vulgar humor, but they all seem to be spewing some sort of leftist ideology. I mean, seriously, what’s wrong with slipping on banana peels and having anvils fall on your head? Is that not funny anymore? Why does everything have to have a sanctimonious message?

Take Star vs. The Forces of Evil, which airs on Disney XD, for example. The latest episode of this show is being lauded all over the internet for depicting Disney’s “first boy princess.”



  1. Disney is sick. Look at Miley Virus, they created her!

  2. R.I.D.I.C.U.L.O.U.S !!!!!

  3. The country is sick , Disney is the sickest yet a cancer that could be cured with the right medicine.

  4. 1:22 - You are correct. The country is rotting from the inside out. This is sad situation.

  5. I'll take the road runner and bugs bunny over anything they put out. (map)

  6. For the .01 percent of population

  7. This has to be a joke


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