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Monday, December 11, 2017

Deace: The American Bar Association Should Launch Ethics Investigation into Gloria Allred

Reasonable people can certainly disagree on whether or not they believe the allegations leveled against U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore. Especially in the #MeToo era, as scores of women are rightfully coming forward for a long-overdue reckoning with Hollywood, Washington, the media, and other halls of elite power that ignored sexual misconduct for far too long.

All the while these same hypocrites sanctimoniously preached political correctness to everyday Americans, of course.

However, reasonable people cannot disagree on this—Gloria Allred is either a hack or disgrace. And there should be an ethics investigation conducted by the American Bar Association to find out which it is.

Full disclosure-- I have known Roy Moore for years and considered him a friend prior to these allegations. I endorsed his candidacy full-throat this entire year. And then, like so many others that admired his courage of conviction, I was devastated once these allegations emerged.

I have 16-year old and 12-year old daughters. My wife counsels women dealing with abuse and sexual dysfunction. So right away I am preconditioned to say to the women coming forward let justice roll down like a river and righteousness like a mighty stream. However, how do I reconcile these accusations with the man I know? A man so straight-laced he wouldn’t even remove the tags from his mattresses. A man that stood in the gap against progressivism’s post-modern takedown of American Exceptionalism, while so many others claiming to believe as we do ran.


[Related: Forgery 101-- Beverly Young Nelson and Gloria Allred Both Presented ‘Notes’ as Roy Moore’s Own Writing]


  1. Good luck on that.
    Asking liars and thieves to investigate one of their own.

  2. Has any "ethics investigation" ever resulted in anything more than a slap on the wrist that didn't even hurt?

    Answer: NO.

    So, why bother? Call her an a$$hole bi*ch and go on with your day. Quit wasting tax dollars!


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