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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Coyotes Are Colonizing Cities. Step Forward the Urban Hunter.

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Dennis Murphy sniffed the bobcat urine he uses to lure his prey. He checked the silencer on his AR-15 assault rifle and loaded a few snares into his Ford pickup.

“Let’s go kill some coyotes,” he said.

But he wasn’t heading for the wilderness. Mr. Murphy’s stalking ground is on the contentious new frontier where hunters are clashing with conservationists: cities and suburbs.

Coyotes are largely associated with their ancestral bastions in the wild lands of the American West, but they are highly adaptable, and in recent years they have been colonizing large population centers throughout North America. The hunters have come after them, stalking the predators in settings like strip mall parking lots, housing tract cul-de-sacs, and plazas in the shadow of skyscrapers.

The growing popularity of urban hunting is igniting a fierce debate over the perils and benefits coyotes pose in populated areas, and whether city dwellers ought to adapt to living alongside a cunning predator that has thrived since one of its top adversaries, the gray wolf, has been all but wiped out in much of the continent.

More here


  1. Sounds like "Coyote" is just another word for Democrat politician.

  2. Or maybe its humans that encroached on coyote country. You cut down forest and flatten the prairie for a new golf course and a walmart, what do you expect nature to do?

  3. Like the fools that buy homes in a development named Fox Chase or Deer Harbor and complain about seeing wildlife.

    1. We have high end wildlife here in Deer HARBOUR and we only shoot them with siver bullets.

  4. Man and their Greed! 4:23 you
    are exactly right!!


  5. One was very recently reported to be stalking deer in Ocean Pines so it's not a faraway type of scenario.

  6. People go out west or really learn what a coyote is all about. They are vile animals that will simply kill for the sake of killing something not because they are hungry. Let your family pet get killed I'm positive you'll change your tune. They will kill your dog in a heartbeat. Not much of a risk to humans and attacks are rare but its very common for them to kill pets and small livestock.

  7. What about the wooded land that was cleared and then named "The Preserve"?


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