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Friday, December 22, 2017

Congressman: 'Concerted Effort' Within FBI To Help Hillary Win Election

‘You can’t make this stuff up. This story gets worse and worse each and every day,’ says Rep. Jim Jordan

Did the FBI attempt to swing the outcome of the 2016 election in a certain direction? I know that question sounds completely outrageous, but this is exactly what one member of Congress is now claiming.

For a long time we have known that elements within the Deep State have been actively working to undermine the Trump administration, but now solid evidence is emerging that the interference by the Deep State actually began during the presidential election. As more details come out, this could easily become one of the biggest political scandals in U.S. history.

If you think that I am exaggerating, please consider what U.S. Representative Jim Jordan told Lou Dobbs just the other day…



  1. Orders from Obama , when will they get it ? Obama wants to be ruler of the world , he is satan.

  2. I totally agree. People wake up. Obama is Trump's Shadow.


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