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Sunday, December 31, 2017

CNN Loses It After Trump Blocks View of Golf Course With Box Truck


  1. Obama Crooked BastardoDecember 29, 2017 at 2:15 PM

    Bunch of Crybabies at Fake News CNN. Waah, Waah, cry me a river! How about reporting on Hillary's Uranium One deal? She sold American Uranium to Russian Government Company for millions while being Secretary of State and collecting paychecks from Taxpayers. What? I hear dead silence from CNN - Communist News Network got Trumped Again!

  2. CNN lost it a long time ago.

  3. It is comical that Trump critized Obama for playing golf and he plays his share.

    1. Obama Crooked BastardoDecember 29, 2017 at 3:03 PM

      It is Comical for someone to make comparison between Obama and Trump. Obama was getting paid while playing thousands rounds of golf while Trump has not receive Any Money for being the President, and yes he plays golf sometimes. Almost a Hundred of his nominees are awaiting approval from Congress Democ-rats, so while everybody's on vacation he plays few rounds of golf on his own golf course and I bet it cost way less than any of Barak's golf outing and hiring Tiger Woods as instructor. SMH.

    2. I just try to be open minded and look at things from both sides of fence. As far as Trump not taking salary , this is true but I would guess the amount of money it takes for security for him and his extended family I would guess that adds up.

    3. 413 he paid 35 MILLION in taxes that should cover the bill. His family EMPLOYS 1000s of US workers pays health insurance pensions sick time vacations. That should cover his down time on the links. Obama was playing gulf during a crisis In the US. Trump during CAMPAIGN made a comment on it. Now CNN makes it the holy grail? Voter recount? Block electoral college? Russia Russia Russia ? All Huuuge Number one BS.... Trump won!! #snowflakebutthurt

    4. 1200 yes President Trump plays golf alot but you never see him slacking off. He is constantly working while Obama constantly partied with his Hollywood friends and wealthy people. He could have areDoesn't less about American citizens. He was always looking out for number one Obama and his Muslim brotherhood

  4. Time to rent Uhaul trucks and follow the CNN cameras lol They dont see that they give petty people ideas

  5. That's because Trump deserves to play golf!

  6. Apparently it never occurred to them that if they can shoot pictures of Trump, someone with a high powered rifle could shoot a bullet at him.

  7. @ 2:34 He does not quite as much as Obama but at least he's getting things done that are positive so he's earned it.

  8. 2:34, I don't see the comedy. The difference is that President Donald J.Trump is a working president and the comedian didn't work. All he did was play golf and ruin the country.Happy New Year!, this past one was good for you and the next will be even better.

    1. I didn't intend for it to be about comedy or comparing one person to another, but when someone critiicizes another for playing golf and then turns around and does the same ,they are a hypocrite.

    2. It's not about comedy or comparing people, it's about criticizing someone for playing golf and then doing the same. It's called hipocrisy

    3. Obama played more.golf during his presidency than tiger woods did in his whole career

  9. 3:03 Both the House and Senate are GOP controlled, but don't let facts git in your way.

    1. Obama Crooked BastardoDecember 30, 2017 at 1:53 AM

      That is if you count RINOs as GOP. There is a lot of Crooks in that SWAMP, on both sides, thats a FACT.

  10. They did not miss much he does not golf like the good wannabe WASP he aspires to be.

  11. We really need some insane asylums built for these liberal kooks.

  12. Very funny when they mess with fake news. And for the negative comments on Trump if you DIDNT vote for him then DONT comment. Thank you.


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