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Sunday, December 31, 2017

BREAKING: TERRIFYING Announcement About Social Security – This Isn’t Good…

According to new numbers released from the Social Security Administration, the number of people currently benefiting from the program is at an all-time high.

As of November 2017, there are 61, 859,250 people currently receiving benefits from Social Security.

So what’s the big deal? When compared to new numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, despite the country enjoying its lowest unemployment rate since 2000, there are now only 2.05 full-time workers for every 1 person receiving Social Security. When you factor in the number of people working in both full and part time jobs, there are still only 2.49 workers for every 1 receiving benefits.



  1. About to add another, I'm sick of having half my pay stolen to give to lazy people.

  2. Just give me back the money I’ve put in and we’ll call it a day.

    1. I agree. we are treated very poorly for a system we paid into our whole career. Maybe ORA should become a part of social security.a percent set aside for the program.

  3. Democrats want to share it with illegals and those who never contributed because of fairness.

  4. 10:04, do you know what S.S. is? If not look it up. Not all on S.S. are lazy but just old. I worked for over 60 years and paid into S.S. the whole time and that money went to the older generation that also paid into S.S.. Do you get it now? (map)

    1. So young people should pay it forward so they too have something other than credit card bills and no savings.

    2. 10:04 here, work at one of these local slumlords verifying "income" and you will see how many people collecting are not old. I have no problem with elderly that paid in collecting, that's the point of the system.

  5. I think he meant to the lazy people who do not work. I've put in plenty of SS money and I expect my benefit to be there when I retire. Who had permission to use our work earned money? Let's hope Trump fixes this, but the last President wanted to give America away, and give all free items to those who do not work and who are not citizens.

  6. 10:04 Just stop paying into SS if you don't like it.

  7. Congress will get this fixed in the future.

    1. Yeah they will fix it when hell freezes over , Free cash to raid! Not going to be fixed.

  8. This is not young people's problem. In fact, anyone born after 1980 should have the option of opting out of paying (of course sacrificing all benefits later in life). You crusty old boomers wanted to raid the piggybank with crap policy, now you need to pay the piper! No one to blame but yourselves!!

  9. 10:04, if you know who it is then turn them in and may be that will save us and you some money. I bet you won't. (map)

  10. It's SSI disability that burns me.....to fat too stupid too lazy or depressed to work
    Really ? Too good to work at McDonald's or Burger King and collecting why because you once had a good job. Get out and get to work like the rest of us.

  11. Let me invest my money as I see fit, instead of the supposed "lockbox". I do not mind being required to put into a retirement system, but let it be mine. My 401k is rolling. SS not so.

  12. How about the government payback all of the money they borrowed from Social Security to give away to other countries. Also stop calling Social Security an entitlement, this is money workers and their employers paid out. The government contributed nothing. They borrowed from Social Security, so pay us workers back our money with interest!! Please and fucking thank you!!!!!

  13. 3:02 nailed it.

    A whole lot of people get SSI for themselves and their kids and none of them ever paid a dime into it.
    $1500-3000 a month for millions (yes, millions) and ANY system will collapse. This one will collapse, too.
    It's going to be a problem.

    Keep cheering!

  14. @5:02, if it was not for us "crusty old boomers" who kept this country going with the taxes we paid in, where would your young azz be? We paid into Social Security and have every right to draw on it. Oh, you're welcome.

    1. Welcome for what?! An antiquated system that all "youngsters" pay into that will 100% not be around when we go to retire? And my young ass would be right where it is, praying that the boomers would retire for good so smarter folks can come in and fix the problems they created. BTW Oldielocks, you're not the only one who pays taxes.

  15. 740
    It is an entitlement.

    We paid into it, and so we are ENTITLED to get it back.
    Get it?

    The liberals have swapped language on us. They think we are stupid. They want us to think entitled means something bad. It means we have title to it . . . we own it . . . it is our property.

  16. And there you go. Scaring the elderly because people just can’t grasp a good economy is in the making. Why do folks constantly naysay everything the President does without a thought to numbers proving otherwise. Spending cuts? Please. Think the Senate and Congress have made it clear they’re not into belt-tightening so why would anyone think they’d start now? Only the President has tightened the purse strings in the WH. Everyone else is still spending like taxpayers’ wallets are their personal slush funds. Articles like this one cite no real sources or live humans with names. It’s all clandestine and a bit tawdry. You gonna fall for it? Have fun on the slide down.

  17. there are 61,859,250 people currently receiving benefits from Social Security.

    That's 61,859,250 voters folks. Congress isn't going to screw with them. They might tax everyone else to death, but they aren't going to take anything away from SS recipients. It would be political suicide and they know it.


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