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Thursday, December 07, 2017

BREAKING NEWS: Democrat Al Franken announces resignation from Senate amid groping allegations

Minnesota Democratic Sen. Al Franken is planning to deliver a speech from the Senate floor shortly before noon on Thursday, amid speculation over whether he will accept growing calls from female colleagues to resign over sexual misconduct accusations.

Minnesota Public Radio reported late Wednesday he would resign, though Franken’s office pushed back saying it wasn’t a done deal yet.

His office issued a tweet Thursday morning saying only that he would give a floor speech at 11:45 a.m. ET.



  1. Good riddance. Franken should have never been in the senate since he one by means of voter fraud

    1. He hasn't left yet. He is waiting to see the outcome of Moore. Once again above it all. He put down our great President so what he what he supposedly did makes it okay - NOT

  2. I watched a YouTube interview wth him and Howard stern. During the live radio show two women called in accusing him with inappropriate behavior. 1999. He is nasty.

  3. That swamp keeps draining.

  4. I saw foot dragging vs what you saw,where he said he would resign in a "few weeks".His benefits cannot be finalized if he left immediately.The secret would be to make him leave immediately,but the average US citizen does not realize that.He can negotiate a LOT between now and when he officially resigns.

  5. and he still had to take a cheap shot at Trump. I guess he forgot that "tape" came out BEFORE the election and Trump was STILL ELECTED.

    Big difference there Al.

  6. HaHaHaHaHaHa

    NOW he's funny.

  7. If he was going to resign he would resign immediately, not in a few weeks. Don't get your hopes up Dummy. He has something up his sleeve.

    He said he was going to work with an ethics committee. I don't remember anyone appointing an ethics committee.

    Resign you dirty old bastard!

  8. Every time I see his face I wonder if he wiped off the clown makeup


  9. Pathetic excuse for a human. Lower than pond scum.


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