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Friday, December 01, 2017

Black Xmas

For some, the Christmas season is a time of good will and good cheer. But for others, every season is a time to hate Whitey:

A California State University-Los Angeles professor is urging Americans to participate in a “Black Xmas” by divesting from “white corporations” and fighting “White Capitalism.”

Like all things hated by moonbats, capitalism is associated with European heritage.

In her op-ed for The Los Angeles Sentinel, Melina Abdullah, a Black Lives Matter activist and the chair of the school’s Department of Pan-African Studies, explains that “Black Xmas” is “an economic divestment from White corporations and an investment in building Black community through support for Black community organizations and businesses.”

Kids aren’t going to be thrilled with what they find under the tree if all of it has to be produced without involvement by white people. However,

The official website of the initiative provides additional instructions to participants, asking Americans to stop “spending with White corporations” between November 24, 2016 and January 1, 2018.



  1. Black Christmas ? Satanic culture at it's best.

  2. Most what is called white corp. have a majority of blacks for them so wtf is the beef? I can only guess they don't want to work(that's not unusual).


  3. This is rabid racism. Stunningly hypocritical.

    If people want to see Martin Luther King's dream happen in America, they sure won't get there doing this kind of thing.

    We as a nation need to look at what is coming out of our universities-- it poses a national security threat.

  4. Ha! When you go to their website and use the tool they have to search for local black businesses, there are hardly any at all. The businesses that are listed aren't places you can buy people gifts. Guess the children of BLM aren't getting any presents this year. SAD!

  5. And they wonder why..........don't CONTINUE to be part of the problem, how bout being part of the solution for a CHA CHA CHANGE.


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