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Friday, December 15, 2017

Attorney General Frosh Joins Coalition of Attorneys General Asking FCC to Delay Net Neutrality Rulemaking

BALTIMORE, MD (December 13, 2017) – Maryland Attorney General Brian E. Frosh and 17 other Attorneys General today wrote to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) expressing their concern about falsified comments made to the FCC, asking the Commission to delay its rulemaking deadline. 

“A careful review of the publicly available information revealed a pattern of fake submissions using the names of real people. In fact, there may be over one million fake submissions from across the country. This is akin to identity theft on a massive scale – and theft of someone’s voice in a democracy is particularly concerning,” wrote the Attorneys General. 

The Attorneys General ended the letter by writing, “It is essential that the Commission gets a full and accurate picture of how changes to net neutrality will affect the everyday lives of Americans before they can act on such sweeping policy changes.” 

The multi-state letter was signed by the Attorneys General of California, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia, Vermont, and Washington.


  1. ah yes the libs want everything for free. no money to be made so no improvements. let the marketplace rule and things will work out fine. Only when the government gets involved picking winners and losers do things get screwed up real fast. so I guess everyone should get electricity gas water food etc for free also? sounds good to me, bad enough I'm paying not only for myself but for all the freeloaders too!

  2. BS, Frosh! Screw your agenda. We all told you voter rolls were 20 years old and being abused during our elections and you had no problems with leaving the status quo alone! You can't have it both ways.

    Either clean up our voter rolls within and with other States, or sit down and STFU!

    BTW, the internet was invented and thrived for 30 years WITHOUT "net neutering" and will thrive after it's gone. It just won't be under your "control" now.

  3. There you go...all the democrat criminal controlled states, that and the fact that communist frosh wants...better believe straight up its not in the best interest of we the people!!!

  4. Froshole violates the Constitution fo the Country and this state...he sure as ell wont do whats best for citizens.

  5. Let's explain net neutrality so that everyone can understand. The government (Obama and the deep state) wanted to control the internet so that all services and speeds were equal for the same price. In car terms - they wanted every car and truck sold in the USA to accelerate and have a top speed equal to each other no matter the manufacturer, make or model. Remove the control and you purchase what the market offers within your budget!

  6. I'm really sick of this POSER!

  7. If that's what he thinks then that means it's not good for the rest of Maryland citizens


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