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Monday, December 18, 2017

Academics to Establish ‘Critical Menstrual Studies’

Academics intend to establish the field of "critical menstrual studies" with the upcoming publication of the first-ever scholarly handbook devoted to the consideration of menstruation.

The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Menstrual Studies, slated for publication in 2020, will be "animated by the central question: what new lines of inquiry, including research questions and social justice engagements, are possible when we center our attention on menstrual health and politics across the lifespan?" according to the book proposal.

The handbook will establish "‘critical menstrual studies' as a coherent and multi-­dimensional trans-disciplinary subject of inquiry and advocacy, one that enables an exciting epistemological clarity and potential," the book proposal goes on. "Attention to menstrual issues across the lifespan surfaces broader societal issues and tensions, including gender inequality, practices and discourses of embodiment, processes of radicalization and commodification, and emergent technologies as read through various disciplines and inter-disciplines."

More here

[This is wonderful. Maybe they are getting closer to finding a cure.. --Editor]

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