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Thursday, December 21, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Sexual Harassment

Hi Joe. With all the overwhelming news of sexual harassment and all the brave individuals which have come forward... it really has me thinking about a specific situation I am in. I don't even know what to call it or if there is a name for it. I have had to work on a daily basis with a boss who has made me so uncomfortable because I have caught them browsing porn sites on their computer in their office. Many reading this may say find another job but unfortunately for me its not that simple. This is a small town with few job opportunities for someone that has no degree and has only has had on the job training to get where I am. To start new is not an option. Has anyone else been in an awkward situation in the workplace other than sexual harassment? I am not the only one in the office aware....all of us have discussed it. This employer could care less because its "his" business. I believe if you can't keep it in the privacy of your own home....there is definitely a problem.


  1. Document document document. A picture is worth $$$$. Get it, find an attorney and you won't have to worry about finding another job.

  2. 1:02 Typical liberal response.

  3. Does this man have a family? I would be sending an anonymous note to his wife. What a pervert.

    1. How do you know his wife does not watch porn as well? Not ONLY men watch open, there are women who look at it as well.

  4. Goody two shoes.Your actions will only serve to make him more careful.You can only fix yourself and pray for everyone else.

  5. Easy to say 102pm...I'm sure this is a private industry story/description - much different than say a gov't job or like many of the high profile jobs in the news.

    Guessing its a small business too so to go out and get a lawyer for a tiny business....nah.


  6. This situation, if described accurately, is not as cut and dried as the first response would suggest.

    The boss is on the internet in their own office but has made no overtures toward the employee. The employee doesn't like what they see on occasion when in the boss' office.

    Not mentioned is whether the boss is an employee, with a boss of their own, or is the owner.

    The first step is always to inform the person that the behavior or habit makes you uncomfortable. That serves 'notice', which has a legal implication. They may persist, modify or desist, and that drives next steps.

    If they were clipping their toenails in the lobby or cooking something smelly in the break room, someone would mention that to them.

    The company may have a policy against what the boss is doing. Your brief discussion that seeing the screen makes you uncomfortable may be enough to discourage their further usage when you are around, or not.

    But there is a basic principle that you have to notify them of your objection and concerns unless your company policies provide another specified path of action.

    After providing the notice, if they make your employment circumstances less favorable, you may be able to levy a charge of retaliation.

    If you like your job and pay, you want to have a professional, friendly resolution to this one area of concern with a boss you otherwise find acceptable. Approach it that way.

    Note: Have handled situations like this in the workplace with larger employers, as well as providing training to avoid causing situations of this sort.

  7. Inform the Police!

    1. It is not illegal to watch porn, yet!

  8. So you were offended by what you saw on the boss(es) computer(s)? Was it child porn or something illegal? Is there a company handbook that spells out internet use?

    If not, knock before entering and suggest a screen saver. Seriously, suggest a screen saver! I am not trying to be a smart a$$, but as a women in my late 40's, there is not much that offends me at work, in public or at home.

    You can search the EEOC to see if there is something regarding your situation.

    431- really? what are they going to do?

  9. The term you buffoons are looking for is "hostile work environment". It is not sexual harassment unless they are asking you to do the things in videos or asking if you like or dislike those activities.

  10. 4:31 - What a laugh! They do it too.

  11. Good luck getting anyone to care. I worked for a state agency in Somerset County and was subjected to all sorts of sexual harassment by my supervisor, the department head. I filed a complaint with the state and they performed a superficial investigation and did nothing. Nobody takes these things seriously around here.

  12. 6:26. Not many. Bet his wife has no idea. That's why he is sneaking at work. Creep.


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