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Wednesday, December 13, 2017

A Feminist Lists 10 Questions You Should Ask On A First Date & They’re INSANE

There are times in my life where I look out across the massive expanse of wasteland created by feminism and think “Man I really hate being a woman.” Not because I was born the wrong gender, not because I’m “self-hating,” not even because of the weird, painful things by body does to me once a month without my permission.

No, I hate being a woman sometimes because I get lumped in with feminazis like this one. You see, I can’t hold a moderately feminist position without being called all sorts of names and being associated with crazies like what you’re about to see. It’s actually spectacularly annoying.

People like this are why people like me refuse the feminist label.

So according to Lara Witt, here are the three things every “intersectional feminist” should ask their partner on the first date. Because who doesn’t like to be interrogated over pasta and excoriated for answering “incorrectly” while eating chocolate cake?

“Do you believe that black lives matter?” No human being with a fully-functioning heart and brain is going to say no to this. You’re just virtue signalling. If they answer with “well no” then get out of there because you’re literally dating Hitler.

“What are your thoughts on gender and sexual orientation?” Uh, maybe talk about your favorite movie first? I don’t know, seems a little heavy for appetizer conversation.

“How do you work to dismantle sexism and misogyny in your life?” Maybe this question is why the only males in your life are your neutered cats. Ever think of that, Linda?



  1. I pay them money upon leaving. I'm happy.

  2. this explains why so many feminists are lesbians, only other women who are obsessed with the same kind of craziness will have anything to do with them, no normal person,male or female, will.

  3. I think this is a great idea. As soon as a Woman starts asking me these questions I will know right away she is a Liberal Nut Job and can save a lot of time and money by just walking out as soon as these questions start.

  4. The title of her new book: How to die a Lonely Woman

  5. Wow this makes my line about going back to my place for pizza and sex sound a lot more reasonable.

  6. Her loneliness has driven her over the edge of reality.
    It's free fall now.

    I wouldn't let any woman get to the second question, either.


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