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Sunday, November 19, 2017

Your Salisbury Tax Dollars At Work


  1. Jake Day, Jack Heath and Muir Boda

    So does this mean that Jake Day isn't going to light a Christmas Tree in front of the GOB?

  2. In the spring, it can double as a Maypole.

  3. Meanwhile... there's not enough money/manpower to fix potholes or the cluster that is main street

    1. I definitely agree....there a lot of streets that need to be fixed. Starting with smooth Fitzwater street, Parsons road, winder street,mill street for starters...along with that clustered mess downtown

  4. But what about church vs state ?I am a Christian BUT the next thing will be Islamic items will want to go up.?

  5. Wait till you see the postage-stamp ice skating rink. Wonder who here has ice skates?

  6. That is one pretty thing! Not!!! Where can I see this atrocity?

  7. Celebrating the Holidays is a good use of tax dollars, if you ask me.

  8. Joe my son goes to Parkside High School and he said a student was tased by the Salisbury Police Department on campus. Apparently the Salisbury Fire Department was there to try and get the taser out.

  9. love it ! looks great! glad my tax dollars are working!!!!

  10. Now, if they can get the light fixed at Beaglin Park and Schumaker Drive. The city was aware of it 6 months ago. The lady told me that they were waiting for a part.
    Where is it coming from, Cambodia?

  11. They are calling it a "holiday" tree. If they won't say the word "Christmas" they have lost all respect in my book.

  12. Leave the pole up all year for celebrating Festivus.

  13. Great idea! Let's spend money to put up a fake tree in the middle of a WOODED park!!!!

  14. Wow just saw the reserved parking spots painted, what a bunch of city Jack asses, your taxes hard at work once again! obviously went to Parkside HIGH!! Pun very intended!!!

  15. Sure hope the A** Al Sharpton and his ring leaders show up to hang ornaments and hand out gifts! NOT!!!

  16. 2:53, We can always make a Christmas Tree or Merry Christmas sign and cover the one that says Holiday.


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