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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Wicomico County Sheriff's Office Press Conference Today At Noon

We are having a press conference today at 12 pm regarding the Community Action Team's drug investigation/arrest from yesterday. 


  1. Limelight Lewis never met a camera he didn't like. Get the milk crate out so he can reach the microphones.

  2. Thanks Sheriff Lewis.

  3. 12:40, Thanks for what? The BOE failed to drug test their staff, for starters. Secondly, as Mike openly admitted, they were tipped off. This was not proactive and apparently has been going on for quite some time and let's not forget the County provides Officers in schools. How long was this going on right under their noses?

    1. Those cops do nothing but sit in an office on their cell phones all day.

  4. They got lucky and I'm amazed that they didn't screw it up. 4 weeks is a lengthy time to allow her to continue to possess/sell drugs on school property.

    1. Exactly!! You only need 1 day and/or a buy, and a car w/ drugs in it. Especially when you are talking about the safety of kids and staff. The cameras don work?Wicomico is greedy. They probably wanted the extra cash & drugs they possessed to go towards the new vehicle fund.

    2. How about they wanted enough evidence to keep her away for awhile and keep her from stepping foot back into a school

    3. When dealing w/ kids, a transaction on camera, just the heroin alone, even the suspcion or probable cause should been enough. That what was on the table looked like a re up. What they let her sell out? 4 weeks? 2 grand? Before she could be stopped? I Guess there should be wait on suspected sexual abuse too, for enough evidence. How much does one need?

  5. The matter of the fact here is they listened and acted on it . Yes a month is a long time but I'm sure others are being watched as well . Hopefully this will have a domino effect and all will come crumbling down with her .

  6. Wonder if she is connected to any of the deaths that occurred around here. Appears she s been hustling heroine for a while now.


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