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Thursday, November 23, 2017

When Will We Finally Hold Wicked Hillary Accountable?

Clearly, Hillary Clinton is a sociopath, willing to sacrifice any and everything to get what she wants. Donna Brazile's book exposed how Hillary and her DNC minions stole the presidential nomination from Bernie Sanders. A normal person would run for cover, thankful he is not in jail. But not Hillary. This sick woman remains laser-focused, obsessed with plotting to reverse the election to steal Trump's presidency.

Hillary is acting exactly like the little girl in the movie The Bad Seed. In the movie, seemingly perfect and adorable eight-year-old Rhoda assumed she would win the perfect penmanship medal. Her classmate Claude won the medal. Outraged, Rhoda cornered Claude and demanded that he give her his medal. When Claude refused, Rhoda murdered Claude and stole it.



  1. "Psychopathy, sometimes used synonymously with sociopathy, is traditionally defined as a personality disorder characterized by persistent antisocial behavior, impaired empathy and remorse, and bold, disinhibited, egotistical traits."

    Looks like a perfect fit to me. She's a psychopath. And from the stories of her going off on people, she is probably a danger to society.

  2. She's had everybody else killed; I'm sure she'd not stop at having Trump meet the same end. She and all who support her are a danger to this Country.

  3. Reminds me of a former states attorney


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