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Monday, November 27, 2017

WATCH: Nancy Pelosi Defends Accused Harasser John Conyers, Calls Him An "Icon"

Democratic Minority Leader struggled to answer questions about Conyers's accusers.

Democratic Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (CA) appeared to defend accused sexual harasser Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) when confronted by NBC's Chuck Todd on "Meet the Press" Sunday morning, calling Conyers an "American icon," who "deserves due process."

Pelosi struggled in the interview, often pausing and stuttering as she tried to grasp how to answer Todd's pointed questions as to how the Democrats are planning to handle Conyers's case — particularly in light of their tough talk on Republican Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore.



  1. Cracks me up every time I hear the name Nancy Pelosi!!!Ray!!!

  2. Same goes for that Senator from Minnesota Franken.

  3. She is the Devil's ICON !!!!!

  4. Icons don't show up for meetings in their underwear! Freakin' Moonbat!

  5. I'm surprised she can remember who he is.....


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