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Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Video: Fire Capt. Concludes California Fires Caused By 'Directed Energy Weapon'

Recent fires in California not created naturally, he says

(INTELLIHUB) — Fire Captain John Lord speaks out about the recent California wildfires and explains how the fires could not have been created naturally.


  1. Does the Army have one of those?

  2. Of course it is, that is what they tested on china back when that whole city block blew up and left a lake of liquid metal...

    IF you look at the pictures after the fire, clearly that wasn't natural... Not saying it was or wasn't some energy beam, but the govt has been developing such weapons... Along with rail guns and the like... They even had a press release a year back or so about testing a energy weapon on a battle ship...

  3. 12:36 yup. If you look in the pictures there were no toilets, sinks or appliances. Nothing normal about that.

  4. God is listening amused.

  5. If you knew what DARPA has ALREADY developed, you'd freak out.
    If you knew what they are TRYING to develop, you'd drop dead.
    Thank God they work for us.
    GRAVITY is their focus now. Figure THAT out and we are totally unstoppable.
    We are now, anyway, but that puts rail guns and lasers in the "kid's toys" category.
    Keep cheering.

  6. The weather modification program is the cause of the fires.
    Lot of people know it and cannot discuss it.


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