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Tuesday, November 07, 2017

VA Gov McAuliffe on Donna Brazile Revelations: 'Nobody Cares'

Monday on MSNBC, Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D-VA) dismissed the allegations laid out by former Democratic National Committee chairwoman Donna Brazile in her forthcoming book, “Hacks.”

In her book, Brazile said the 2016 process for choosing the eventual Democratic presidential nominee, which was Hillary Clinton, was rigged.

McAuliffe’s reaction was “nobody cares,” and he attempted to steer the conversation to tomorrow’s gubernatorial election in Virginia.



  1. Sorry gov. You are soooo WRONG! Everyone cares.

  2. No dumbocrats care because they already knew this from a year ago.

  3. We, the People, do care!

  4. Go ahead keep pissing her off perhaps then she'll start dealing even more dirt.

  5. The Rest of America Cares !!!!! We will show that when
    we Re-Elect Trump !!

  6. Va voted DEMOCRAT for governor. Crazy say good by to gun and hello illegals

  7. I happen to care. I notice that Washington doesn't seem to care. Just like they don't seem to care about alot of Hillary shenanigans. Such as the dossier that should also take out McCain. Or the Uranium deal. Did they claim that money on their taxes by the way? Or all of Hillary's emails that ended up on Wieners' laptop. They don't seem to care about any of that stuff. She is becoming a Teflon Don. Nothing sticks.


  8. He was/is a Clinton insider carpetbagger so no way he wants sunlight on his/their past.


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