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Sunday, November 19, 2017

UPDATE: Throw The Bum Out!

The Sheriffs Department is present this morning overseeing the crew removing the personal items, (necessities) out of the foreclose/evicted home I mentioned earlier this morning. 

I've delivered just some of the images of toilets, sinks and even carpeting removed from this home by the former owner. The entire kitchen, (which was huge) is completely gone as well. 

While discussing with others what we all felt it would take to completely fix this home we estimated at least $1,000,000.00 and that does NOT include what someone would have to pay the Bank just to purchase it. That's how shoddy the construction is, let alone what was destroyed and removed. 

The former owner has been trying to sell these items on Facebook. Everything you see in that kitchen has been removed, EVERYTHING! The walls are now completely bare and counter tops. The Bank should sue the living crap out of them in my honest opinion. 


  1. To the person sending in nasty comments that I've rejected, NO BANK can ever take any one of my numerous properties because I DON'T HAVE MORTGAGES and I don't live in affordable housing like you do, sucking off the taxpayers.

    The funniest part about the Liberals who think what's happened here is perfectly OK, I crack up at every one of you and here's why. Your interest rates for YOU and your children will in fact go through the roof because of jackasses like this one. Someone will have to pay the price for these losses and that's why you Liberals are so stupid, seriously.

    That is, unless you suck off the system and live in free housing, collect food stamps, welfare and so on. This is why I HATE people who abuse the system and that includes politicians who run their platforms on supporting generations of low life BUMS who suck off the taxpayers hard work.
    Thank God Donald Trump was elected. Thank God the secret Service is keeping him safe from these Liberal nut jobs who want everything for free.

  2. She NEEDS to be ARRESTED those Items are NOT hers.

  3. The people who did that should be ashamed. The have no business owning any home. In my opinion the house is ugly. I don't care how big it is.

  4. hopefully the bank holds her accountable!

  5. Arrest her those attached contents in the home belong to the BANK.

  6. The bank should have changed the locks.

  7. Anonymous said...
    She NEEDS to be ARRESTED those Items are NOT hers.

    November 14, 2017 at 12:35 PM

    So does the person that got them items.

  8. 12:48, They intended to do so on Friday but Friday was a Holiday and they couldn't get a hold of the Bank. They came out today, changed the locks on whatever doors they could and re secured the home where the former homeowner removed doors and windows.

    1. Then the bank needs to file charges on her for what she sold from the STRUCTURE of the home and get a pic of Facebook on her showing she stole the items and then have her ARRESTED for the ft of over $10,000 which is a FELONY.

  9. Well said Joe, just think where in the hell this country would be if crooked Hillary had been elected. The man above was sure looking out for us. With all the race baiting and those idiot Dummycrats barking and howling at the moon show the mentality of those idiots. This country has gone way off course over the past eight years and Lord knows if it will ever get back to normal.

  10. Just a typical foreclosure mess....happens to 95% of the homes banks foreclose on....typical day for banks!!!!

  11. I always count a 50" HDTV, leather furniture and portable tanning bed as personal necessities. Show me somebody who doesn't!

  12. See the movie Pacific Heights.

  13. LOL one of these show offs who wanted to impress people and pretend how rich they are. Big lies. Now look what she's been reduced to. A garbage peon trying to sell the kitchen on FB.

  14. Not from this country, uses the loop holes to get better education, houses and income - then abuses the hell out of it...

    Keep voting Democrap...

  15. The bank should file charges? Sorry folks. That's not how it works. The bank's lawyers would need to file for a writ of replevin from the court. A judge would then decide what items go with the house and must be replaced.

  16. 3:07 Don't confuse them with facts. They need to think they are smarter than everyone else and that Trump will have these people arrested. SMH.

  17. I wonder how many Sheriffs sales have been going of for those who are too poor to come up with the money to pay their county taxes? I know there are some elderly out there on a fixed income who struggle each year with this because the taxes in this state and county keep going up, but incomes are going down. My home is paid off, and if this happened to me, you better believe I would leave nothing for them to sell! Might even torch the place!

  18. Dont worry there will be a sleazy realtor who will con someone into flipping this house...And ofcourse use thier people for those special prices.....and end up again with the consumer holding the bag...

  19. How did they get a mortgage???????????????

  20. I saw the same thing happen in Riddle Farm. I know of several people who have literally lost their ass on their depreciated property. One guy gutted his property so bad that it was virtually worthless. He took a sledge hammer busted the toilets, wallboard, kitchen cabinets. I saw similar activity in another development at Public Landing. In fact, if you ride around Salisbury & Wicomico one can easily see oodles and oodles of foreclosed houses. They are everywhere.

  21. Looks like she’s sold the kitchen and used the money to flee the country. Shes probably already back in Israel.

  22. Looks like what Bannon did to his home


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