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Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Ultimatum Given to One Fire Department

Lose the Confederate Flag or Lose Funding:

Commissioners in Montgomery County say they will restrict funding to a rural volunteer fire department that for months has refused to take down the Confederate flag that waves over it.

Debate over the Uwharrie Volunteer Fire Department's flag has simmered for months but complaints about it go back years, according to news accounts. The department, organized as a nonprofit corporation in 1983, occupies a privately-owned building but gets county money.

County commissioners had previously asked the department to remove the flag. This week they delivered an ultimatum.

Commissioners said by letter they would limit the fire department's funding until it removes the flag, paying only for fuel and maintenance of the two county-owned trucks that firefighters operate. The county will also replace the Uwharrie name on the trucks with new graphics "in support of the county's stance on equal rights and freedom of speech."



  1. So, let me get this straight. The liberals feel it is perfectly fine to let NFL players disrespect our National Anthem by kneeling, but it highly offensive for the guys coming to save your burning ass if they have a Stars and Bars in front of their fire station.
    Is that a correct understanding??

  2. This is the same County that is a "sanctuary" county? The same county that uses tax dollars to support illegals and not enforce Federal Laws? That is the pot calling the kettle black.

  3. Hopefully these Firefighters and their friends and family will go on a mission to get each one of those County commissioners fired from their positions during the next election.

  4. Time for the State and the Fed to defund that county for being a Sanctuary County.

  5. If anyone actually read the article, you would see it is in the Carolinas


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