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Thursday, November 23, 2017

Trump On WARPATH After Learning What Sessions Did With Obama And Hillary

In the last few days, the FBI informant who was covering the Uranium One deal, where the Clintons allegedly allowed Russian money to interfere with Obama’s decision to allow the sale of uranium after the Clintons received large sums of cash, has now been allowed to speak publicly. As well, we now know that his name is William Campbell, and he is only now speaking up after being gagged when he originally wanted to speak to Congress in 2010 when the deal was finalized but was prevented from doing so by the FBI. Campbell now says that he has “damning evidence” against the Clintons and the Obamas, and it looks like the Department of Justice under Jeff Sessions has been snoozing through the whole scandal.

Last week, Sessions gave testimony suggesting that “the case in which Mr. Mikerin was convicted was not connected to the CFIUS problem that occurred two to three years before.” Vadim Mikerin was a Russian official who was sentenced to four years of prison for conspiracy to commit a money laundry offense in connection with the Uranium One deal, and he was also forced to hand over two million dollars connected to the deal. The CFIUS is the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, and was also part of the investigation by the FBI informant.



  1. I said it from the beginning when Trump appointed Jeff to AG, mistake. Get rid of him. NOOOOOOOOO! He is a sleeper. He will screw everything up one day. Don't trust him. Fire him. Please.

  2. William better get Protection.

  3. Ah, Yes! New element? = *"Clintonium*" (clinton money $$$ skeme), yes! Makes new hard Ware. Deal with Russia?. Why? Putin? Weird, he Hates clinton (hillary ick). (Foundation = $$$ for haiti, no! ) . Houses after Earthquake, clintons $$$? Where did It go? ( money just Dissappeared!? vaporated?). Now back to the beginning, the BRAIN Iniative? Connect the dots!!! *^see"* with your own Mind, not through Their *Filter Beams.* the Chem Trails will not ConFuse me!


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