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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Troopers Arrest Three Students In Connection With School Fight-Dagsboro

Dagsboro- The Delaware State Police have arrested three students in connection with a fight that occurred earlier this week at Indian River High School, leaving one student and three faculty members injured.

The initial investigation began on Monday, November 13, 2017, when the Delaware State Police School Resource Officer and Dagsboro Police Department was made aware of a fight involving several students and staff members. Further investigation revealed that three female students, ages 17, 16, and 15, entered the school’s main office and attacked another 17-year-old female student who was seated in a chair. As the school staff attempted to break up the fight, the 17-year-old aggressive student was removed and placed into another office, however she continued to be disorderly by pounding on the glass and wood portions of the office door, destroying the door blinds. As a staff member tried to calm her down, the student violently attempted to leave the office, pushing the staff member and causing injury to their hand. While attempting to remove the 15-year-old student, she pushed a male staff member causing him to fall to the floor. As another staff member tried to intervene, the 15-year-old made contact with this staff member causing him to fall to the floor and sustain injury to his shoulder. The 16-year-old student was removed by staff members without further incident.

The 17-year-old student victim was removed from the scene by EMS and transported to Atlantic General Hospital where she was treated and released for a head injury and facial lacerations.

One faculty staff member was privately transported to Beebe Walk-In Care where he was treated and released for a shoulder injury.

Another faculty staff member was privately transported to Beebe Walk-In-Care where he was treated and released for a knee injury.

The 17-year-old student was charged with Rioting, two counts of Assault Third Degree and Criminal Mischief. She was arraigned at Justice of the Peace Court 3 and released on $5500.00 unsecured bond. The 16-year-old student was charged with Rioting and one count of Assault Third Degree. She was arraigned at Justice of the Peace Court 3 and released on $4000.00 unsecured bond. The 15-year-old student was charged with Rioting, and two counts of Assault Third Degree. She was arraigned at Justice of the Peace Court 3 and released on $5000.00 unsecured bond.


  1. On the bright side, no teachers were arrested for drug dealing.

  2. Any one want to take a guess what race these "students" are

  3. A female punkette knocks two adult males to the floor. How can that be you axe? Because adult rights have been removed, making them hesitant to maintain control. After all, if they tried to protect themselves or even a student, they are in risk of losing their career that they have invested in through treasure and torment (education). Remember the time when a teacher would knock the student on the floor. It happened, but not often. Not often because the student did not want to be humiliated in front of their peers. We are out of control and need to get back to basics.

  4. Teachers and staff are PROHIBITED from defending themselves at all.
    You want to stop these losers from attacking people?
    Let them understand they will be treated like ladies and gentlemen until they act otherwise.
    I would like to see the teachers totally immune from prosecution for whatever they do in defense against someone who punches, kicks, slaps, or assaults them. AND whatever they do to defend other students. Anyone remember the Seaford teacher who got between two black girls fighting and all she did was push them apart? The mothers showed up and had HER charged with assault!! I believe she lost her job, too.
    Break a jaw. Break a nose. Snap a wrist. Make sure the monkeys know the zoo is NOT run by them.
    Why do you think these people have the audacity to walk into the office and, right in front of the staff, ATTACK another person??? Because they KNOW no one can do anything. Even trying to restrain them is a problem.
    If they try to resist and end up falling down, their parents sue for assault, injury, etc. and the employee can kiss their job and benefits goodbye.
    They need to have their ass whipped. In front of everyone and an assembly should be held afterward to tell all students that when you act uncivilized, you don't get the benefits of being in a civilized environment. And their parents will be held accountable for any damages. AND that kind of brazen attack will happen only once because ANYONE (we don't need a "quota" limit to make sure certain groups get to go crazy because the school has already reached that ethnic group's "limit" for the year) involved in such behavior will find a different place to get an education.
    My God. Wonder why teachers PASS these losers on to the next grade?? This stuff happens A LOT, but is covered up because to publicize it would be called "racist". The truth is now "racist".
    Deliver some SERIOUS, lasting pain to them. For the sake of the kids who want to learn. And for the sake of civilization.

  5. I ASSURE you that the "teens" will get some sort of monetary settlement for this situation.
    This is the kind of event that the family of these idiot kids absolutely pray for.
    I'll venture to guess....$25,000.00 to make this all go away.

  6. It is a shame the liddle criminals couldn't have been smashed to the floor by staff.

  7. The joys of diversity! What cultural enrichment our minority community brings to every aspect of our lives. Please increase and give us more cultural exchange like this. Unfortunately I live on an island in the northwest and we have almost no diversity. I guess I will just have to live with the lack of violence and general criminal behavior. Please read "The Color of Crime" it is available on the internet.

  8. I applaud anyone who is a teacher. That has to be one of the toughest jobs today. The patience and internal control you have to maintain is incredible.I assure you I could not do it!. My old school basics would kick in and I would be the one taken away in handcuffs. But, I would feel better that I clocked one of these animals and gave them a taste of their own medicine!

  9. 12:02...I am looking for a place to locate away from this trash. I notice you did't give a location other than a island in the northwest. Don't fault you for keeping it a secret...enjoy!

  10. Actions like this should result in instant expulsion if the teachers cannot intervene. Plus how can anyone tell them they cannot defend themselves against this garbage? This is getting worse and worse. It's time to put a stop to these animals.They need a security force in schools that can intervene in such actions. The entire school should deal with these scum. They cannot lock the entire school up. Teach them this will not be tolerated.


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