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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

'Transracial' man, born white, says he feels Filipino

TAMPA, Fla. — Ja Du, born a white male named Adam, now considers himself a Filipino.

He even drives what he calls a Tuk Tuk, an Asian-derived vehicle used for public transit in the Philippines.

Ja Du is part of a small but growing number of people who call themselves transracial. The term once referred only to someone (or a couple) of a one race adopting a child of another, but now it’s becoming associated with someone born of one race who identifies with another.

Ja Du says he grew up enjoying Filipino food, events and the overall culture.

“Whenever I’m around the music, around the food, I feel like I’m in my own skin,” he said.

“I’d watch the History Channel, sometimes for hours ... nothing else intrigued me more but things about Filipino culture.”



  1. LOL deport his dumb ass to the Philippines.....problem solved!!!!

  2. This is what happens when kids are taught that there is no ultimate TRUTH.

  3. I’m a hardworking middle income working Joe who feels like I should be rich. Where are my rights?

  4. No problem, find a Flight to Manila, then nobody
    y in America black or white has to support your so called skin, by the way if the Japanese ever decide to get with the phillipines again by killing most of you....don't come asking for America's help. Your duerte seems to have enough BS with him to talk the Japanese and or the Chinese not to do horrific acts. good luck you wannabe.

  5. Think of all the things that matter in this world and then this.

  6. Well kids today's lesson is on how you can grow up to be whatever you want to be! Jan can now be called Joe and she feels like she is an Albatross! Don't discriminate against Albatross's!

  7. Then why doesn't he get a job picking grapes?

  8. yeah, and I feel like wonder woman!


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