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Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The National Republican Party

After Judge Roy Moore won the Alabama Republican senatorial primary election a few weeks ago, I wrote this:

You can bet that the establishment is not finished trying to destroy Roy Moore—not by any stretch of the imagination. When Trump stumped for Luther Strange last week, he said that Judge Moore would have a hard time winning the general election. He said that because he knows that not only will Roy Moore have to defeat the Democrat establishment, he will have to again defeat the Republican establishment. So, Roy’s fight is far from over.

Boy, were those words an understatement! After forty years in public office; after being investigated more times than probably any man in America; after being removed from office twice for not caving in to unconstitutional judicial rulings; after taking on the President of the United States Donald Trump, the Vice President of the United States Mike Pence, the Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and the entire media and political establishments in New York and Washington, D.C.; and after having over $30 million spent against him by the Republican establishment AND WINNING—and just four weeks away from the most important senatorial election in modern American history—suddenly several women come out of nowhere to accuse Roy Moore of sexual improprieties from some forty years ago.



  1. Judge Moore Will Win and we the people should see to it that he is respected in D.C. the cesspool of America...Judge Moore will NOT hobnob with any of the Elites and the RINO's...

  2. You know, I keep getting emails from Donald Trump wanting me to be a continuing supporter of the R party, but I have a difficult time supporting all those like McConnell and all the others who, with absolutely no proof whatsoever of anything are publicly calling out for an innocent man to step aside when those very "R's" have been the leaders of the "swamp" and filling their pockets off our backs for decades.

    I supported Donald Trump and still do, but he needs to lose some R's to get me to give financially to anyone. Trump needs to come out in total support of Judge Moore, now that the "evidence" has been found to be a total fabrication and counterfeited.

    I ask this; If you did not do something 40 years ago, and suddenly someone says that you did, how would you prove that you didn't do anything? What could you possibly come up with that would stop the accuser from shouting out loud and getting people to believe them? There is no evidence that you did not do something because you did nothing to generate any evidence that nothing happened, because it did't happen! Judge Moore can't prove a negative, and neither can anyone else.


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