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Saturday, November 25, 2017

Tesla builds world’s biggest lithium ion battery

MELBOURNE – Tesla Inc has completed construction of the world’s largest lithium ion battery in Australia, putting it on track to meet a 100-day deadline for switching the battery packs on, the South Australian government said on Thursday.

Tesla won a bid in July to build the 129 megawatt hour battery for South Australia, the country’s most wind power-dependent state, with a vow from Chief Executive Elon Musk to install it within 100 days of signing a grid connection agreement or give it to the state for free.

When the grid connection deal was signed on Sept 29, Tesla was already half way through installing the battery packs.

The Tesla Powerpacks have now been fully installed at a wind farm run by France’s Neoen, and testing is set to begin to provide grid security services in South Australia.

“While others are just talking, we are delivering our energy plan, making South Australia more self-sufficient, and providing back up power and more affordable energy for South Australians this summer,” state Premier Jay Weatherill said in a statement.



  1. Tesla may have built it but American taxpayers paid for it.

    1. And if your idiot GOP legislators weren't so busy collecting bribes from fossil fuel companies we would benefit from his technology too.

  2. 5:36-I get the feeling that American taxpayers pay for a lot that we do and don't know about.

  3. First off oil doesn't come from fossils and there is nothing that can compare with oil and gas that can keep and industrialized country like America going. As for payoffs it's the Democrats that are heavily invested in green energy thanks to payoffs from lobbyists.


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