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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Soros-Funded Groups Claim Repealing Net Neutrality Is “Racist”

In a desperate effort to save the Obama-era “Net Neutrality” rules, Soros-funded groups that favor censorship of conservative and libertarian view on the Internet have decided to run a scare campaign before the FCC votes on Dec. 14 on a new FCC order backed by Chairman Ajit V. Pai to end Title II regulation of the Internet.

Perhaps most ironically, Antifa groups protesting for a “free and open Internet” protested outside the FCC headquarters in Washington, D.C., on May 22, 2017, protesting Pai’s proposal to reverse “Net Neutrality” rules, while demanding the FCC must “Ban Drudge,” as well as Breitbart and Infowars.com.

Color of Change, a Soros-funded organization that bills itself as “the nation’s largest online racial justice organization” has charged Chairman Pai with racism.



  1. What is racist anymore except Fake News. This is just a socialist calling card

  2. I saw this coming, all I have to do is wake up and I am a racist, whites having babies is now, by some, considered racist!

  3. Liberal or conservative getting rid of net neutrality is bad for everyone except rich communication companies and rich legislators.

  4. wrong as usual...consider the source.


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