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Thursday, November 23, 2017

Slain Baltimore cop was set to testify against fellow officers

A Baltimore homicide detective was killed with his own service weapon as he was preparing to testify against fellow officers indicted in a drug-running scheme.

Sean Suiter, 43, was fatally shot in the head on Nov. 15 and authorities said there was evidence of a struggle, The Baltimore Sun reported on Wednesday.

Suiter was scheduled to testify before a federal grand jury about a case that alleged cops in his city had conspired with officers in Philadelphia to sell cocaine and heroin seized from the streets of Baltimore, according to Philly.com.



  1. Rumors around Twitter and the internet are suggesting this is an inside job.

  2. Just like the good ol'days!

  3. this is so sad. drain the baltimore cesspool of cops now. clean house.

  4. Being my old skeptical self, I find it odd that the gun used belonged to officer. As if to say it was the police. I think not!

  5. Listening to WBAL this morning. More and more the people of B-More believe this to be an inside hit. Hard to believe, but would not surprise me.

  6. Sad world we live in!

  7. The drug war at it's finest

  8. The powers that be have said his murder had nothing to do with the upcoming case (next day?) which he was to testify in. Maybe that is true but it sure is one helluva coincidence.

    From the news stories about Balt. cops I have read in the recent past, I expect it to be a hit from fellow cops.

    A lot of cops from Balt. have been sentenced to prison lately. It's not that far of a stretch to imagine one or more bad cops not wanting to go to prison and remove the threat.


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