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Thursday, November 23, 2017

Sarah Silverman: ‘I fell in love’ with Trump voters once I got to know them

Liberal comedian Sarah Silverman said she learned a thing or two about Americans who voted for President Trump once she took the time to get to know them one-on-one.

Ms. Silverman spoke at the Vulture Festival in Los Angeles over the weekend about her new satirical Hulu series, “I Love You, America,” in which she seeks common ground with people of different political and cultural stripes. She revealed that finding common ground with the people who voted for Mr. Trump, whom she’s ruthlessly criticized over the past two years, was surprisingly easy.

“When you’re one-on-one with someone who doesn’t agree with you, or whose ideology is different than yours, when you’re face to face, your porcupine needles go down,” she said, according to The Hollywood Reporter. “The surprise was … I fell in love with them. I had a great time with them and I felt comfortable.

“I’m trying to be open,” she said. “I’m finding if I do engage with someone who is angry at me, or angry and I’m a place where they can put that anger … it’s almost always a good experience, because more than anything, all of us what we have in common is, we want to feel seen. We want to feel like we exist. We really should — all of us — work on not getting our self-esteem from outside forces, but it is so much when somebody just sees you. It’s just like, everything melts away. We just all just human out again.”



  1. It's always lovely when we get to see a liberal connect with reality..

  2. She has a tv showing based on this. She is a hack and toxic person. Talentless psycho

  3. I do not trust her she has ulterior motives. I did not read entire article because I did not feel like dealing with the click here for more crap. But noticed in this one part she mentions Trump voters being angry at her or just angry. Most of the Trump voters I know do not waste time on being angry with losers like her. Most of those that are angry are people like her. Sorry Sarah - not buying it.

  4. Yea 1:21 I came to the same exact conclusion


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