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Monday, November 20, 2017

Report: Skyrocketing Medicaid Enrollment Leading to Increased Government Dependency

Number of able-bodied adults on Medicaid has increased four-fold since 2000, only 16 percent of Medicaid enrollees work

A massive surge in Medicaid enrollment is leading to an increase in government dependency and crowding out funding for those vulnerable individuals who truly need the program, according to a report from the Foundation for Government Accountability.

In 2000, there were 34 million Americans enrolled in the Medicaid program. Next year that number is projected to more than double to 75 million. Most of the growth in this program is due to an increasing number of able-bodied adults applying for the program. In 2000, there were fewer than 7 million able-bodied adults on Medicaid. Now that number has quadrupled to 28 million able-bodied adults on the program.

The report attributes skyrocketing Medicaid enrollment over the last two decades to states increasing eligibility for able-bodied adults and Obamacare's Medicaid expansion, which added millions of able-bodied adults to the program.



  1. This because of low stagnant wages. Wages are low because in plain English too many butts for too few seats. This because of the democrats liberal immigration policies. This because democrats are all for big business and could care less about the people. The democrats talk a big game about being for the middle and under classes but the truth is it is just more of their constant lies.
    If employers had to compete for employees we would see a big rise in wages and benefit plans.

  2. Bernie sanders says this is a good thing.

  3. If insurance premiums keep rising then more people are going to end up on Medicaid because they can't afford to pay for insurance themselves.

  4. For those of you who disagree with 7:40 just look at the cities that have been controlled by democrats for 40, 50, and 60 years. One example - Baltimore. Ah, silence democrats!!

  5. 8:05 - Exactly! That is the 0bama plan. Get everyone on government insurance.

  6. With no jobs that you can make a living on that us their only choice. At a job I had I was talking to the plant manager and when he saw what I was making he had the balls to ask how I lived on that! I was speechless, then said I don't I just survive! Of course no pay increase!

  7. the great transformation.

  8. You do know this was already predicted 30 years ago simply due to demographic changes right? No plot needed

  9. 8:05
    That isn't true. Just because you can't afford insurance doesn't mean you qualify for medicaid.

  10. this is what the 'government' wants. YOU to be Dependent on them for Much...


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