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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Poll: 77% of Democrats with 4-Year Degrees Think Sex Not Determined at Birth

Three out of four college-educated Democrats seem to believe that a man can be a woman if he just says so, regardless of his biology, genetics, and genitalia, according to a skewed survey conducted by the Pew Research Center.

The main question in the August-to-September survey of 4,573 people is built on the phrase: “sex assigned at birth.” But that phrase was invented by transgender activists to help them claim that every person’s sex is independent of their biology and that a newborn’s sex should not be unfairly “assigned” by the doctors and parents who examine the newborns’ biology and visible genitalia. The Pew survey asked:

Which statement comes closer to your views, even if neither is exactly right?


  1. i thought sex was determined after the 4th beer.

  2. Let's hope they're right. Maybe their 'species' will die off from lack of reproduction.

  3. when will this insanity end?

  4. I'd need to see the study specifics to give a grain of belief to this assertion.

  5. Colleges are not institutions of higher learning. They are the lefts indoctrination centers. They’ve successfully taken God from everything and now are free to choose a life without morality or consequence. And people keep electing Democrats. Just makes you sick.

  6. They didn't think this up on their own, they were spoonfed.

  7. Whack, Strange. Deviant. Perverse.
    They keep trying to convince the other 95 out of a hundred people that they are "normal" and anyone who doesn't think so is bigoted and phobic of something.
    The sky ain't green you cross dressing, make up wearing sissy girlie boys.
    No matter how much you say it is.
    A man wearing a floral dress, orange lipstick, fluorescent fingernail polish, piercings through the lips, face, ears, and eyes, with a wig, high heels, and a stuffed bra, talking in a falsetto voice and effeminately prancing around IS weird and strange. NO question. Unless it's in San Fran.
    Yet our leaders keep sending these whack jobs to see and interact with younger and younger kids. Be whatever you want to be, just don't try to force that stupid crap on everyone else or think that we MUST love and accept it. You have a right to be deviant and I have a right to call it that.
    Hang them. Or wrap that dress around their neck and twist it so tight their eyes pop out.
    Just as good.


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