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Saturday, November 04, 2017

Police Commission Wants No More Public Property Rentals To Cruisin; Full Council To Review Proposed Motor Vehicle Action Plan

OCEAN CITY — The full Mayor and Council on Monday will get their first look at a plan of action to eliminate certain offseason vehicle-related special events, including the spring and fall classic car and fall H20i events, based on Police Commission recommendations formed during a closed session last month.

After arguably one of the worst motorized special event weekends ever in late September with the arrival of thousands of participants in a unsanctioned and ultimately canceled H2O International car show, the Mayor and Council promised bold action and perhaps painful solutions to ensure it doesn’t happen again. The police commission was tasked with drafting recommendations on how best to eliminate the events or at least curtail some of the illicit behavior associated with them.

To that end, during a closed Police Commission meeting on Oct. 13, the panel, which includes Mayor Rick Meehan and Councilmembers Dennis Dare, Wayne Hartman and Mary Knight, came up with a list of recommendations to forward to the full Mayor and Council. Highlighted on the long list of recommendations is sending a letter to the H2Oi promoter requesting the event be moved entirely out of Worcester or Wicomico counties.



  1. So you are going to crash the local economy for 4000 year round homeowners. Not real bright kids, not bright at all. Your cops stand around and do nothing because you told them not to, but now you can't have some of that?
    I'm sure that the local rich guys will squash this pretty quickly. The loss just to Seacrets will be huge. Not to mention the very powerful hotel kings who will lose bookings by the thousands.
    Family resort my buttocks!

  2. Wow, I didn't think the Council had it in them. Let's see what happens when Hale, Liegten, and the others get word

  3. This will never happen, when the business people get on the phone, the council will fold like the spineless politicians they are.

  4. Good now get rid of the bikers and hey maybe some families will come back. Never happen!

  5. Typical reaction from lawmakers and the police, make more laws instead of enforcing laws already on the books. Ninety percent of the bikes at bike week have altered exhaust systems, so do many of the cars at the car events. Enforce the laws already in place and your problem will be solved as most will stay away. Ocean City begged for these events and now they have them you can't have it both ways.

  6. I quit the car cruise events a long time ago.

  7. Wow, this is really crazy! Nearly all the problems caused during Cruisin' & Endless Summer Cruisin' are caused by non-participants yet they are considering cancelling the events? Are you people this stupid at home? Do you have no clue the tremendous amount of money these events bring, especially since they are both held during the shoulder seasons? Do you know of all the donations to charities these events give? When your economy & jobs both run away, some of us won't be at all surprised.

    Re.:Family-friendly & green? Are you serious??! The homeless (some aren't, have been told) congregate at the Division St. bathroom & surrounding areas in droves now & the police officers do nothing. Maybe that's why their recommendations, so they can continue doing just that. I haven't felt safe in OC for years now, & it doesn't seem to be improving. 4-5 bike cops all just hanging out talking is accomplishing what, exactly? The town doesn't recycle, so IDK what the green is supposed to mean.

  8. Who are they to tell them they can’t come to wicomico county?

    1. Good point, maybe if boy mare Day sent an invite, you can have them. Blend right in with the rest of your trash

  9. They have forgotten their place when they start telling citizens who they can let stay on their PRIVATE (read that again) PROPERTY???
    My grass is too high? I'll cut it.
    Fence deteriorated? I'll fix it.

    Who is staying in the house?? NONE OF YOUR F'ING BUSINESS.
    Keep cheering.

    1. It's their business when the trash staying at your house, trashs mine, you inconsiderate libtard!

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Good now get rid of the bikers and hey maybe some families will come back. Never happen!

    November 4, 2017 at 3:17 PM

    Read the article clueless, the bikers scored well across the board.

  11. Best demonstration ever happened this year. Two events were sanctioned by the City, and were monitored and kept mostly under control, however a little more may have helped.

    One event (H20I) was spurned and uninvited as people came from as far away as California to be a part of it. As a result, it happened anyway, Dummies, just without any registration, organization, or crowd control by the City of Ocean City.

    D U H, What do you think happened?

    It happened anyway WITHOUT any City crime prevention, control, registration, organization of any events to accommodate the participants, so therefore anything these people did was rated as a "Crime".


    How stupid would you like to get for the next H20I, which is their 20th anniversary?

    How stupid do you want to get for this show, which WILL happen?

    How about just welcome the millions of dollars and give them a venue? Isn't that a no-brainer?

  12. 7:45 apparently doesn't know what "libtard" means.
    Believe this --there are PLENTY OF LAWS in O.C. for property damage and destruction.
    He is also a rabid cheerleader.

  13. Tired of the continued tiny-time thinking of City FAIL. I'm starting to think the HALL brothers are back on the board with the constant lets make a rule for this...make a rule for that.

    C'mon folks, this is a resort town and it requires weekend events for your hotel/restaurant community to make money, which then ties into taxes which allows the city to make money.

    You want to get rid of treasures and replace them with events that won't bring in the revenue...death warrant for your continued council careers.

    Folks will come Monday and this should be the last time your "thoughts" and "ideas" are shared with everyone. Makes most of embarrassed that some of you are still in City Hall. Way to many excuses, which leads us to believe out with the OLD, in the with the NEW and FRESH ideas. If you cannot step up, then its time to step down!


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