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Monday, November 13, 2017

Plague Fears Grow As New Virus With No Cure Appears: "This Is Worse Than The 'Black Death'"

Malawi is bracing itself for an outbreak of the plague after the Daily Mail reports that deadly disease continues to spread across the island nation of Madagascar. At least 143 people have died and more than 2,000 others have been infected in Madagascar since an outbreak in early August this year which has now spread to its 10th African nation.

Malawi's health secretary confirmed the country is ready for any reported cases of the disease amid mounting concerns of Africa's 'porous borders'.

He said: 'We have infection prevention materials ready and groups and teams ready to be activated if there is a trigger.'

South Africa, Mauritius, Seychelles, Tanzania, La RĂ©union, Mozambique, Kenya, Ethiopia and Comoros have all been warned they could be at risk from a possible outbreak as well...



  1. Many of those countries are already devastated by starvation, drought and political corruption. If this disease takes firm hold it will be a disaster of Biblical proportion.

  2. Bring on the apocalypse.

  3. This is what open borders brings. Diseases come from other countries to places without the immunities built up over the years. Can anyone say, "extreme vetting"?

  4. Time for all of those people that were going to leave America if Trump won, to head over there!

  5. Diseases are returning to this country as a direct result of illegal immigration.

  6. 9:16 AM - Just ask the native peoples of the Western Hemisphere; they can tell you a story or two about that.

  7. I guess this is why they asked me if I had been out of the country when I had to go to the ER the other weekend.


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