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Saturday, November 11, 2017

Pizzagate: DC police is investigating Comet Ping Pong!

This post first appeared at Fellowship of the Minds

Comet Ping Pong is a popular “family style” and curiously politically-prominent pizza restaurant located less than 5 miles from the White House.

The pizzeria’s owner is James Alefantis, a former boyfriend of Clinton crony and Democratic Party operative David Brock of Media Matters. Though a mere pizza restaurateur, GQ magazine in 2012 had Alefantis as 49th among the 50 most powerfulpeople in Washington, D.C. — along with such political luminaries as Hillary Clinton (no. 5), Gen. David Petraeus (no. 7), Rep. Paul Ryan (no. 21), Democrat lobbyist Tony Podesta(no. 23), Jake Sullivan, Director of Policy Planning and member of the 7th Floor Group in the State Department (no. 33), and Sen. Marco Rubio (no. 43).

For a “mere” pizzeria owner, James Alefantis visited the Obama White House four times. One visit was an overnighter in which Alefantis’ group of four included a male porn star.



  1. The Obama White House did pride itself on its perversity... I mean diversity. It was so easy to confuse the two during those eight wonderful years.

  2. They practice what they preach.

  3. They brought in the male porn star so obama's wife could finally see what a set of balls looks like.

  4. must have had a lot of evidence to destroy - the FBI should take over now :(

  5. Call in the FBI? They're as far left as the IRS. To both agencies, criminal democrats are "The Untouchables."

  6. 9:39, If you listened to the entire video, you would realize the 'hacker' is being stalked and I'm sure someone wants to kill him. He has reported this to ALL authorities including the FBI to no avail.

    I urge ALL to listen to the entire video. It's long but well worth the time.

  7. obama was SUCH a POS.
    Remember when, during a state dinner (I think that was the event) and some thug invited to the soiree had his ankle bracelet start going off?
    Thugs, porn stars, drug dealers, murderers and radicals.
    That was the oabma white house.
    Did I mention what a TOTAL POS he was?
    Now, there is a REAL American man running the show and we are BACK!
    And his wife is a hottie, not someone who may or may not be a woman.
    The Secret Service HATED the obamas. I know one of them and they thought the obama's were low class, inept, buffoons who disrespected and insulted them over and over.
    Hail to the Chief!!!

  8. This place was in the news for a pedophile ring. Dems claimed it was false. Now, I doubt that claim.
    Democrats certainly have a monopoly on lowlife scumbaggery.


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