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Sunday, November 19, 2017

NYT Op-Ed: Can My Children Be Friends With White People?

In a New York Times op-ed, an African American college professor wondered if his children "can truly be friends with white people."

Ekow N. Yankah, a professor at Yeshiva University’s Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, said he will be raising his sons to be wary of friendships with white people.

"Donald Trump’s election has made it clear that I will teach my boys the lesson generations old, one that I for the most part nearly escaped. I will teach them to be cautious, I will teach them suspicion, and I will teach them distrust," Yankah wrote. "Much sooner than I thought I would, I will have to discuss with my boys whether they can truly be friends with white people."

"In the coming years, when my boys ask again their questions about who can be their best friend, I pray for a more hopeful answer," he concluded.

On "Fox & Friends," Lawrence Jones said Yankah is teaching his children a dangerous lesson.

"He's literally teaching his [children] to be racist, be prejudiced, to judge people by their skin color, not the content of the character," Jones said.

He argued that college professors all across the country feel this way, and that's what many of them are teaching their students.

More here


  1. His kids are probably THUGS so who cares.

    1. 3:02 i guess you support this racist professor. How would you react if a white professor said I dont whant my kids to be friends with blacks?

    2. 3:56 Oh 3:02 would not like that at all. He/she would be pulling that race card if it was a white professor.

  2. Is it OK to be friends with half-white people?

  3. A typical liberal college professor being a racist. It is the popular thing to do today. Be a liberal and a racist.

  4. Hey Lawrence Jones,this moron is teaching his kids this because he is racist!!

  5. He takes race relations a giant step backwards and instills a base layer of racism against ALL whites as a class, regardless of individual beliefs.

  6. Thug training thugs

  7. NYT Op-Ed: Can My Children Be Friends With White People?

    Well, Professor, probably not yours, because of your fatherly instruction.

  8. This isn't anything new blacks in the welfare system teach there kids to blame whites for There situation sorry but that's a FACT.

  9. If he were truly and scholar and not just a product of affirmative actions he would have been better acquainted with FBI statistics. They confirm his children would be less likely to be victims of violent crime if surrounded by white kids.

  10. If Obama had a Brother.

  11. We should allow this and push for this, blacks need to have their own country, govt., etc. I would in fact be willing to pay reparations if this came to be. Only as long as the rest of us are allowed to live in peace with our own kind, as well.

  12. If they want segregation to return then let's do it! It's no lie that the white children would be better off. Any and all the big trouble caused in the Salisbury area schools is because of the blacks and anyone who denies this is a liar.

  13. 1:09 congratulations, you're keeping racism alive. Before you go with the easy rebuttal of "well..well. he's racist too!". Admitting to his children that there are people like you out there is not racist.

  14. My 8yo said his black friend said when trump became president that Trump was taking away there Welfare .

  15. His wife is WHITE. hahahaha

  16. Tucker Carlson took him apart last night

  17. Married to a white woman. His poor children must be so confused.

  18. "Anonymous said...

    1:09 congratulations, you're keeping racism alive. Before you go with the easy rebuttal of "well..well. he's racist too!". Admitting to his children that there are people like you out there is not racist.

    November 14, 2017 at 2:28 PM"

    You people wouldn't know racism if it bite you in the butt. That is one of your major difficulties-lying and calling someone a racist who speaks the truth. The best he could ever do for his children is to start being honest something blacks have real issues with. I know I know you are going to call me a racist and guess what. I could care less and am actually proud to be called that in this day and age. It means I told the truth and you people can't stand hearing the truth Oh how the truth burns you up----because not a drop of moral blood runs through your rank lying body.

  19. His kids would be better off surrounded by nothing but white kids. Look no further then Baltimore City a majority minority city. The schools are so bad that that city had to form a whole Police Dept for the schools alone. Look at predominately minority neighborhoods. Crap holes of crime and poverty because the garbage can't stop making babies they can't afford and have no desire to raise properly because as per the Clinton campaign they are "lazy" and "losers." Then the babies turn out to be thugs and the garbage ghetto dwellers blame everyone else but themselves. This is why the whole continent of Africa is a cess pool of lawlessness and poverty. Most Blacks have zero desire to even attempt to better themselves because according to the Clinton campaign again they are lazy losers. Funny thing is the stupid fools still voted for her overwhelmingly and fools no matter the color will never be equals.

  20. Only black people can be racist like this and get away with it. And I am getting sick of it!

  21. Just proves the left isn't interested in peace and harmony they are militant radicals.

  22. Everything MLK fought for tossed down the drain in an instant!

  23. His kids would be a LOT better off just hanging around only white people.
    His chance of getting murdered would go down DRAMATICALLY.

  24. I don't know but stay away from mine.

  25. He voted for Hil-Liar-y...proves a point !!!


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