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Sunday, November 19, 2017

BREAKING NEWS: Attention All Cambridge School Parents, 7th - 8th Grade


  1. Better not come to Dorchester middle or high.

    1. Fyi-This is not Dorchester County.

  2. Have to say I agree. Sex Ed is important because unfortunately there are "parents" out there who don't educate their children at all but learning what a catcher is, etc. in 7th grade is ridiculous. Somebody is going to lose their job...

    1. Why under Trump is this being allowed ? Is Obama still President??

  3. Joe can I have my on post ?

    Below is a list of Sexually predators "Accused"

    Bill Clinton
    H Weinstein
    Andy dick
    B Affleck
    Bob Weinstein
    Brett Sheen
    Chalie Sheen
    Chris savano
    David gullord
    David westwick
    Dustin Hoffman
    Gary Goddard
    George Takei
    James Tobak
    J piven
    M Weiner
    P Jenson
    R Kelly
    R Dryfus
    R price
    T seysmore
    Xxx tentactino

    ALL DEM AND LOVERS OF............. H I L L A R Y.

    1. Now do Dem politians.

    2. How about the Kneeling FOOTBALL players.

    3. Holy crap now Sylvester stallone and his bodyguard.

    4. R Kelly and xxx the only blacks on this list. The rest are powerful and rich white men. Dem or Rep. And xxx only half black. Majority of the priest who molest kids are white men. Seems like blacks cried for equality in the judiciary system, and God is now exposing rich white Americas crimes. I expect even more to fall.

    5. 12:08
      Do you feel better now that you've walked on your race crutch? Shall we talk about the NFL? NBA? 🙄 Perverts come in all colors.

  4. Sex Ed is important, just not the details of the feel good, the transgender details, the mix of body fluids. As the father said, this is porn in the schools.

  5. STATE FUNDED PORN....what a good way to put it!!!!!!!!!

    Now this is a concerned father I would proud to call my son!!

    Can I get an AMEN!!!

  6. NOT acceptable. WHEN will PARENTS wake up as to what is happening in government/public schools. Do YOU even care??? Get your kids out of these nasty, dirty, hello holes...

  7. Don't go by yourself.....wait until other parents see this porn and go as a group with a signed petition to get it stopped.

  8. I am so thankful I don't have children in public school today...but if I did....they would be moved into a Christian School or home schooled as of tomorrow. Thanks for the info..

    1. I checked into homeschooling but my child would not have graduated with a diploma but with a GED. I wanted my child out of Parkside over two years ago.

    2. Actually, you can homeschool in coordination with one of many private schools and your child will have a diploma. Mine did that. Finished HS at 16. Completed Wor-Wic quickly and transferred to an outstanding college with a hefty academic scholarship and graduated with honors and a dual degree prior to turning 21.

    3. In MD, when you get your GED, it is considered a HS diploma. It's issued by BOE State of MD. I know b/c I work for a GED program.

  9. Democrat liberal indoctrination of the children is easier when they are young.

  10. Good dad! Don't give up the fight!

  11. Add on Sylvester stallone.

  12. Sir, I agree 100% of every word you spoke. I was difficult to listen too. We are talking children. Good luck with battling the system. Hope you have locals that care for their children back you.


  14. Omg...Great Job Dad!! This awful. Hope other parents stand with him

  15. Are you SURE this is from a 7th grade teacher? That's unbelievable, it definitely is NOT APPROPRIATE for 11 year olds.

  16. I would pull my child out of health class and be in the principals office asking for the resignation of the person who approved this for children.

  17. Its simply child abuse and contributing to the delinquency of minors. The teachers and their supers that signed off on this disgusting garbage should have the book thrown at them. Parents should insist the sheriff file charges.

  18. Answer....Private school where you call the shots.

    Stepping Stones Learning Academy in Fruitland, MD.

    Very affordable and their agenda is not political...just teach the basics...in reality..., which is "right" leaning. Reading, writing and Arithmetic. Their math could be a little stronger though.

    They are accredited and give a MD diploma.

    They teach up to 12th grade and my son (in 11th grade) is now dual enrolled in Wor-Wic Tech Community College which will let him graduate a year early and continue on with college. How great is that?!!

  19. If an adult has been standing in front of a classroom talking that stuff in front of that age children then an arrest warrant should be issued for sexual assault of a minor child. Sexual assault is more than just touching people ....and as a matter of fact this is exactly how sexual predators groom children for later touching and rape. Contact your local states attorney and demand an investigation and possible warrant.

  20. Seaside Christian Academy

  21. What is the superintendent views on this ? And if she didn't see it WHO DID and I want them Terminated or the super can take a walk.

  22. Way too much info. for that age group!

  23. Does anyone remember Monty pythons, Life of Brian?
    Stanley: "from now on, I want you to call me Loretta. It's my right as a man"
    You tube it, or better yet, Joe, put a link here. It's hilarious and hard to believe it was written over 30 years ago.

  24. If the School Superintendent doesn't clear this up I will be pulling my 3 kids out of the system and moving out of this S//T hole.

  25. 552, Jesus de christo! What part of "my kid is an 11 year old 7th grader didn't you understand??????

    Idiots abound...

  26. Yeah....who is the teacher. I would like to see locked up for filth talk in front of young children.

  27. I didn't have no sex education when I was young , we had the the Bible (King James version) we did just fine and we are still doing fine. I have a son , I have five grand daughters , I have 3 great grand children.

  28. You have the right to opt out of public school health education if you prefer to teach your own values. A school is not allowed to teach morals or values - just the facts. If they are not persuading children to believe certain things and only teaching factual evidence they are doing no wrong. You asked in the video “is this something our 11 year olds should be hearing?” The answer is YES - because they are asking!!! Your son is lucky enough to have you willing to talk to him. Many students do not have that at home. Same with topics like evolution. It is still taught in schools and no one bats an eye anymore. Teachers teach the facts, it’s up to the family to teach values and ultimately up to the student in the end to determine what they believe. “It takes a village....”

  29. Parents should be demanding a resignation.

  30. Public Schools want children to experiment with sexuality...the younger the better. Very disturbing and must be stopped immediately before the kids are exposed to any more inappropriate sexual garbage.

  31. All of this is to groom for Islam ? Think about it.

  32. 6:57 No. 11 year olds are not asking how to turn a vagina into a penis. They are also not asking about sexual positions. This push of teaching sexuality to our youth has got to stop it is not normal and is a perverted.


    Can you Please keep us updated on this.

  34. I want the superintendent fired.

  35. Is this local Cambridge? Sounds like the resources he stated aren’t local?

  36. 9:27 You are right, they are not asking those questions. They are looking it up on the internet.

  37. The superintendent needs to be brought in.

  38. You are right on target young man,,,but then again it is Cambridge

    1. Yeah but is your kids or grandkids next ?.

  39. Ok, parents, you know who did this. It is sickening! You know where the distribution point is of this filth. Go make these perverse teachers lives miserable in every way. It’s very simple. Do not allow them a moments peace until they are gone. Ride them out of town on a rail. Syrup and feather them before school. Harass these perverts at every turn. Make them SO uncomfortable they’ll be looking over their shoulder nonstop. Start by publishing their names, addresses and phone numbers. Facebook and twitter too. GET them. Period. Don’t let them pollute your children’s minds.


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