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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

NOI 11/11/2017 Caroline Malicious Burning Market Street Denton


Date: Between 11/11/2017 and 11/12/2017

Time: Between 12:00 p.m. 11/11/2017 and 5:00 p.m. 11/12/2017

Location / Address: 521 Market St., Denton, Caroline County

Type of Incident: Malicious Burning

Description of Structure / Property: Comcast Coax Cable

Owner / Occupants: Amanda Graham

Injuries or Deaths: None

Estimated $ Loss: Structure: $0.00 Contents: $50.00

Smoke Alarm Status: N/A

Fire Alarm / Sprinkler Status: N/A

Arrests(s): None

Primary Responding Fire Department: None - Denton Police Department Responded

# of Alarms: 0 # Of Firefighters: 0

Time to Control: N/A

Discovered By: Homeowner after noticing non-operable cable network

Area of Origin: Comcast Coax Cable

Preliminary Cause: Malicious Burning of Cable Wire

Additional Information: The Office of the State Fire Marshal was just recently notified of this incident which was several days after the burning. Anyone with information regarding this incident is urged to contact the Upper Eastern Regional Office of the Maryland State Fire Marshal at 410-822-7609.


  1. The Ahole $75000 pt Mayor day is lighting The Christmas tree Friday Before Thanksgiving wtf what's next celebrate New year's Eve on Halloween.

    1. Isn't Culver lighting the tree at Gov. Office Bldg Fri. evening 11/17- and Jake is doing the City Park on Sat. 11/25. O C is lighting theirs on Thurs 11/16

  2. Light 'em if you got 'em

  3. I just can't believe the horrendous nature of this crime in Denton!

    O. M. G. !

    What will be next, setting a bag of dog poop on the front stoop, lighting it and ringing the doorbell?

    The horror!

    How is this news?


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