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Saturday, November 11, 2017

New OC Zoning District Proposal Removed From Comp Plan; Short-Term Rental Definition Sought

OCEAN CITY — A new R-1A zoning district that would essentially ban short-term rentals in Ocean City’s single-family residential communities will not be included in the revised comprehensive plan, but the issue is far from over.

In the wake of growing complaints about vacation rentals in some of Ocean City’s traditional year-round single family home neighborhoods, resort officials about three years ago began a debate about creating a new R-1A zoning designation that would somewhat insulate the year-round communities. However, after considerable and often contentious debate, it was determined the issue would best be addressed in the town’s five-year comprehensive plan update now nearing its conclusion.

The planning commission has been working on the five-year update of the town’s comprehensive plan for several months and that process is nearing its inclusion. However, included in the draft comprehensive plan is language that renewed the debate about the potential R-1A district. It’s important to note the comprehensive plan is largely a broad look at all future growth and development in the resort and not a mandate to adopt certain elements including the possible creation of an R-1A zoning designation.

After the Mayor and Council tabled the discussion on the R-1A district and deferred to the update on the comprehensive plan as the appropriate place to take it up again, the focus changed from creating a new zoning designation to more stringent rental license requirements, maximum occupancy calculations and other actions including increased public outreach and education about the sections of the code regarding short-term rental already on the books.


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