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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

MSNBC host Joy Reid thinks rural Americans are 'core threat' to democracy

MSNBC host Joy Reid thinks that rural Americans are “the core threat to our democracy” and pointed to a series of tweets by liberal author Jared Yates Sexton that claimed Trump supporters “do not believe in the Constitution or any founding principles unless they're advantageous” as proof of her far-left theory.

“By 2040, about 70% of Americans are expected to live in the 15 largest states. They will have only 30 senators representing them, while the remaining 30% of Americans will have 70 senators representing them,” MSNBC producer Kyle Griffin tweeted over the weekend.

Reid, who tweets so often that it’s amazing she finds time to do anything else, has a feed that is essentially the anti-Trump talking points of the far left on a daily basis..



  1. Sounds like the liberals are have things turned around again. And, yes, that means that 70% of American would only have 30 total Senators. Congratulations, you can do the math! But they would have 70% of the Representative. That's why Congress has 2 chambers.

  2. I couldn't care less what that woman thinks of me.

  3. Another racist hater from the left. So surprised.

  4. I guess she missed the FACT that the70% of the population in the 95% of the rural counties saved this country from having Hillary Clinton as our POTUS!

  5. Rural Americans, are by and large, our democracy.

  6. It is you who don't follow or know the Constitution.

  7. Rural America is the backbone of this country. Your cities wouldn't eat if it weren't for rural populations. Hope that iphone tastes good. Oh we like the constitution too. Its why we won't let you take those boomsticks from us.

  8. She should take a political science course before she spouts off about a topic she knows nothing about. Our constitution and the first 10 amendments were written to protect the rest of the country from the "tyranny of the majority." We have a representative government, and it's far from her notion of a democracy. A wise Greek elder once told me, "too much Democracy is Anarchy." That lesson has stuck with me for many years. She was indeed a wise woman. I've seen her observation repeated many times since she enlightened me. Joy Reid is an Anti-American.

  9. Lets solve this problem. Trump is building the wrong wall? I think he should build one down the center of the Un-United States. Because that's what we are un-united. Let the liberals choose which side they want because if we didn't then that would give them additional reasons to complain. Once the cry baby liberals pick aside, then move to that damn side and stay there, everyone else moves to other side. See how long that lasts? But it wouldn't because they would still find a frickin reason to complain about something the conservatives did or are doing! NO MATTER WHAT THE LIBS WILL NEVER BE HAPPY. Ridiculous isn't it? That how most of these ass hats sound!


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